Thanks for the review! The straw har is a resource by Iago (the version in the screenshots was a prototype mod for mod resizing and repositioning - Sby has a similar mod called headwearland)
Iago's straw hat can be found here:
so it's like 12 patterns, right?
well, the top alpha slider affects only the breast part, so that's 12 more variations.
then the sleeve on, that's 12 more, and 12 more with the alpha slider.
so basically, you get 48 dresses, with better or worse texturing.
Also, the ahegao dress was my idea, because I thought it would be funny.
I do plan on putting out a individual pack soon. Surprisingly, it will take no time to export all the dresses as individual files. I plan on releasing those in a set of 24 vanilla mods. I appreciate the review!
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Iago's straw hat can be found here: