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Slave chain in the woods

Slave chain in the woods

Slaver after a successful hunt takes a line of Northern Women off to the market's of the South
Urdi wanted to know why the older women in the clan forbid the younger ones like Uschi from going near so called Tail of the Forgotten on the week of the full moons. All she was told that any Amazon who disobeyed the matriarchs would end up publicly beaten and the vanish from the village. Just the next full moon one morning their bed would be found empty.
So Urdi vowed to learn the secret of the tail herself and creep threw the brush and watched it. Then Urdi saw it, a slaver, one of those cruel women from the South who would kidnap Amazons and drag them off to the cities of the South, leading a line of four enslaved Amazons, stripped naked, off to their fate.
And Urdi knew her bed would be found naked next full moon.

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