Recent content by dyne9

  1. dyne9

    Skyrim Story - Spellsword vs Bandit Camp (includes video)

    Quite a story bro!
  2. dyne9

    Ryona on tomboy/boyish characters

    You forgetting Katsuragi?
  3. dyne9

    Mogar's Revenge: A RWBY Collaborative Work by dyne9 and Sickerton

    Featuring Yang Xiao Long and Sun Wukong of RWBY fame! This piece...
  4. dyne9

    How much damage?

    It's highly dependent on the work itself, though generally I'm pretty much done caring if the once-beautiful character is no different than ground hamburger meat. Or puffed up swelling everywhere like she got stung by a bunch of bees. Breaking limbs, blood, the harder stuff is generally more...
  5. dyne9

    Ryona fiction

    There's a few written pieces around here without it. Just gotta dig for 'em. Two names I can immediately think of are Cloister and Sickerton, though the latter has it in a few of his works. Can't really speak on much else though.
  6. dyne9

    Ryona is very popular but where is the subscribers?

    I also imagine perhaps not everyone likes the same kinds of ryona. There are levels to this shit. I'm not interested in the specific subsets that people dedicate channel vids to like choking or bearhugs alone, and murder and blood aren't my biggest flavors either.
  7. dyne9

    From which character you like receiving a beating most, and who do you prefer losing?

    God, that Nadine Ross was amazing...
  8. dyne9

    Rp Recruiting: Marvel Universe Secret Wars

    Domino (Neena Thurman) - Marvel Universe Wiki: The definitive online source for Marvel super hero bios. My choice, Marvel's Domino.
  9. dyne9

    Rp Recruiting: Marvel Universe Secret Wars

    I think I'm down for this. Just gotta take a moment to pick somebody.
  10. dyne9

    How much damage?

    Come to think of it, I've found nothing BUT hard ryona and the like on this site. Is there any ryona content on undertow that doesn't involve blood or dismemberment or teeth getting knocked out? Or is this the part where I get swarmed with meme terms and told to leave? XD
  11. dyne9

    How much damage?

    Prelude to getting wrecked.~
  12. dyne9

    How much damage?

    No dice for death or permanent injury over here. Rape is right out the window and guro isn't often in my vocabulary unless I'm telling a funny joke. ...of which case it still isn't in my vocabulary. I'm in for the dominance, the peril (at times) and especially shows of physical superiority...
  13. dyne9

    Juri vs Korra (An RP between LastHero and Dyne9)

    A while back sometime last year, me and LastHero started a few RPs on here with a lot of continuity between them. Some got finished, some didn't. XD In any case, here's one of them. ---- Juri vs. Korra Being the Avatar was a lifelong profession Korra would see through to her dying day...
  14. dyne9

    How much damage?

    Basically all of this.
  15. dyne9

    How has Ryona affected your real life?

    I can second the prefrence for soft ryona myself. Ain't too comfortable with all the extra.

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