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    Has anyone seen Tina and Sam vs. Suicide and Havok? It's the one where Tina loses. Is it any good?
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    New Wrestling Ryona Channel (WWE/WOW/WEW)

    Now add Kaitlyn!
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    This is very disappointing. I don't buy matches that have no clear winner. Thanks for your review, it's appreciated.
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    Ivelisse vs. Taylor Wilde FINALLY! I want some details on this one. First off, is this match any good? I imagine it would be, but don't know the chemistry. And who wins? How? And is there a victory pose?
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    Buy/Not Buy: Wrestling Videos

    SLAMpeg 854: Angela Fong vs Shantelle Taylor Good? Does Shantelle lose? What are some good ones of Shantelle being dominated?
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    Who is a fan of these vids? What are your favorite matches?
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    My (mostly) wrestling based Blog

    Damn, there aren't videos? That's too bad cause those poses are some of the hottest I've seen.
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    My (mostly) wrestling based Blog

    Is goddessmegan good stuff? Is there wrestling or just foot-sucking? And I hope it's mainly women... Also does the member section have her whole archive for free? Or is it just the two updates a week?
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    My (mostly) wrestling based Blog

    Who is the girl in the last photo? The one that's brunette and kneeing the blonde...
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    Who is this wrestler?

    Don't Mess With Her - YouTube I really like the chick that's dominating, but I don't know her name or what site she's apart of.
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    Submissions vs Knockouts

    Sometimes the submissions can be flat-out boring and last way too long. A hot KO with a sexy victory pose is what I prefer.
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    Fem----mix discussion

    Are there any Femmix videos with Megan dominating Gianna throughout the whole thing? I have 8 and 10 and would love to see Gianna lose...
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    Velvet Sky takes some beatings

    Probably my favorite pro-wrestling beat down. :)
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    Sumiko takes out Ivy with multiple Piledrivers

    I would love to see. Got any Ivy customs?
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    Sumiko takes out Ivy with multiple Piledrivers

    I like seeing a bigger girl get squashed by a smaller one.
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    Favorite Female Wrestler/s

    Lita, Stacy, and Natalya all from WWE. For TNA I like Madison Rayne... before her Taylor Wilde and Hamada.
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    Some DWW Clips

    Before they are gone... EuropeanGirlWrestlin's Channel - YouTube
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    Cute Girl Tombstones Jobber

    Where can I get this?
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    My amazing channel dedicated to female ryona WWE Divas

    Yeah, pretty good channel. I like the video where Kelly is knocking Michelle out. :P
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    WWE Clips

    Why don't I remember seeing that match?

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