Search results

  1. Strix

    Capital City Wars: A Zako Management Game (Please PM/DM Applications)

    Action (Sneak Attack): Moderate Success No one expected the Danjou Boxing Club to be on the scene of that carnage. Fortunately, your ninja was discrete and killed multiple foot soldiers without it being traced back to you. (You can do an art or story about the ninja killing Foot Soldiers to...
  2. Strix

    Capital City Wars: A Zako Management Game (Please PM/DM Applications)

    Action (Improve Public Image): Critical Success You find several B-List celebrities looking to attach themselves to a cause in the city that is truly meaningful. Luckily they think your cause is worthy and shoot a 30 second promo. Your Public Relations increases by 1. Reaction (Bait Opposing...
  3. Strix

    Capital City Wars: A Zako Management Game (Please PM/DM Applications)

    Action (Get a Scoop): Moderate Success The police department will be having it's annual fall auction next week where they sell off anything they confiscated in the past year to help secure more funds for the police department. Sufficient money would allow you to acquire new equipment, or...
  4. Strix

    Capital City Wars: A Zako Management Game (Please PM/DM Applications)

    Action (Espionage): Moderate Success The foreign dignitary meets with your girls and agrees to the discrete trade-off. They will begin funneling recruits from their upper-class suburbs in exchange for the promised information. But since you are new to this city you would still need to get more...
  5. Strix

    Capital City Wars: A Zako Management Game (Please PM/DM Applications)

    Action (Press Gang): Critical Success The VLA turns to the economically downtrodden and forces them to join the terrorist organization. The local law enforcement doesn't seem to care all that much as these are the leftovers of society. (Your Size attribute increases by 1.) Reaction...
  6. Strix

    Capital City Wars: A Zako Management Game (Please PM/DM Applications)

    Action (Recruitment): Minor Failure Students are being overwhelmed with potential groups to join. It looks like the Foot Soldiers have been recruiting on campus as well and the students can't seem to decide which group to join. You might be able to recruit members through other methods but...
  7. Strix

    Capital City Wars: A Zako Management Game (Please PM/DM Applications)

    Action (Recruitment): Minor Failure The Foot Soldiers run quite the spirited recruitment drive. Unfortunately, having good intentions outwardly doesn't always mean people will want to help. While the Foot Soldiers canvas college campuses, most of the students seem less civic minded than you had...
  8. Strix

    Zako Artwork
  9. Strix

    Capital City Wars: A Zako Management Game (Please PM/DM Applications)

    Premise: The goal of Capital City Wars is to carve out your zako organization’s name into the annuls of Capital City. You manage one zako organization of your choosing its over all goals and developing it into a powerhouse that even the government would think twice of messing with. Setting...
  10. Strix


    Pheonix Person
  11. Strix

    So you wanna be an evil henchwoman?

    Name: Kimberly Age: 22 Class: Stealth (Close Range) Weapon: Multiple Swords Description: Kimberly joined Usagi Black because all of her friends left for college. Feeling alone she wanted to enjoy the camaraderie that only a group like Usagi could provide. As she made it through the first couple...
  12. Strix

    Zako Artwork

    That's some great inspiration!
  13. Strix

    Casting Call for Possible Story

    Name: Kyla Santiago Bio: She is a member of the school swim team, intramural dodgeball team, and beach volleyball team. She would much rather have fun outside than be cooped up in school all day. If she must attend classes you can bet anything she'll be day dreaming and doodling in her...
  14. Strix

    The Zako Roleplay Thread

    If anyone is still interested I am looking for an RP or two, feel free to message me on Discord and see if we cant work out a time. CTBriscoe#7435
  15. Strix

    Comic book Zako

    So many questions and such a waste of a good premise
  16. Strix

    So you want to be a zako?

    Name: Luna Martinez Age: 18 Gender: Female Specialization: Average Support Appearance: Fate: Use her up then throw her away.
  17. Strix

    So you want to be a zako?

    You do you and take breaks, you don't have to do this every day.
  18. Strix

    So you want to be a zako?

    Jeanette: Well girls, it looks like I will be retiring for ze evuning. *Drags the unconscious Tom away* It looks like eau will be keeping moi company. If anyone wants in, feel free to join us no?
  19. Strix

    So you want to be a zako?

    Be careful what you wish for, you may just wish yourself into an early grave. Then my sweet beautiful Jeanette will have to step in and run the ops.
  20. Strix

    So you want to be a zako?

    (Time for some fresh faces, though its sad she has died, my has she died in a spectacular manner.) Name: Jeanette Bazinet Age: 23 Gender: Female Appearance: Personality: This girl is sadistic. A list of her favorite things would include: 1. murder, 2. rape, 3. both in any order. A lot of...

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