
  1. E

    How to cum through nose (angry dragon) with SDT loader?

    On the vanilla version of SDT 1.21.1b, I'm able to cause an "angry dragon" (have cum spew out through her nose) fairly reliably by ejaculating with the tip in her mouth, waiting approximately 2 sec and pushing her all the way down to the base. When loading the game with SDT loader this does not...
  2. N


    so why is the thigh bare on the inside?
  3. S

    SDT Loader: how to suppress "updateStatus(message)" when using hotkeys?

    Simple question: I'd like to hide the status messages, that are displayed (upper right corner) when using hotkeys like "eyes open/close". Is there as simple setting/config somewhere or can it only be changed in the Loader code itself. thanks!
  4. thaM

    SDT Loader v5.41a - invalid settings

    hey, i got some issues with mods i installed, im using many of them but 3 of them show me everytime i open my SDT launcher, -invalid settings- all of them have the setting.txt in the loader settings file. So can anyone figure the problem? thank you for help.
  5. A

    Thoughts on Future Features and Mods / Future of SDT

    Hey everyone, I hope this post is correct! Hi to all the moderators as well and thank you for all your work. I've been playing SDT and joined this forum about a year ago, as a DT Simulator enthousiath and I wanted to start a discussion about game development and hear your thoughts on how...
  6. nobreathdialog

    nobreathdialog V1

    adds option to toggle breath and cough sounds playing during her spoken dialog lines
  7. F

    Help The loader is no longer loading mods!

    all of it the 184.. Its not showing that loadup at the start, Game is totally vanallia Anyone can help please?? All I did is load up a few mods In the $INIT$ When I started the game the loader didnt load.. I remoed all the new Mods I added and the problem is still here, I also tried to...
  8. animtool tuto.png

    animtool tuto.png

    1-Use a Loader with animtool. 2-Select the Loader tab (red circle). 3-Navigate withe arrow buttons (green circle) 4-Click on a name on the list or on Load (pink square) for change position.
  9. Tattoo Parlor

    Tattoo Parlor V1.1

    Design and save unlimlited tattoo layouts
  10. Resource icon

    Hotkey Edit 1

    Allows changing and/or removal of default vanilla hotkeys
  11. Resource icon

    audioreplacerV1_NagiraKenzo V1

    turned the sound library from GDPenguin into an audioreplacer mod
  12. Resource icon

    audioreplacerV1_ListenToMyVoice V1

    loadable audio library of ListenToMyVoice
  13. Drill twintails

    Drill twintails 1.0 [hairRGB] [Dynamic] [hair add] [Loader]

    Based on Mami Tomoe hairstyle, isolated the drills and make it RGB adjustable
  14. thumbnailsave

    thumbnailsave V1

    adds buttons to save character portrait thumbnail files
  15. Yugi Mouto Static Hair

    Yugi Mouto Static Hair 2024-01-20

    Yugi Mouto from classic Yu-Gi-Oh! Static Hair
  16. Miqo'te Costume (Remaster)

    Miqo'te Costume (Remaster) 2024-01-08

    An Updated version of Synonymous' mod which gives it MoreClothing compatibility.
  17. BlueZephyr

    Loader Talks to Loader

    So this is a bit of a doozy to explain. I recently got a new computer and it can run circles around my old one. SDT runs so much better now and I can use character codes that I couldn't before. I can even run the game at high quality with shaders on. Basically what I'm saying is my new computer...
  18. Resource icon

    maxframerateV1 V1

    adjust target framerate according to settings file
  19. UmperSnark

    Duplicate problem not resolved by past fix: Mods from Character folders not loading

    Hello, all. Longtime fan of SDT, first time on the forums. I would like to try my hand at making some dialogues because I think I'm a pretty good writer, so I am challenging myself to start learning how the game works! The first dialogue I want to do involves an Android, so I set out to gather...
  20. S

    Her fantasizing on her bed. (first posted dialogue, Loader + stuff required)

    EDIT: I either screwed up uploading the dialogue's text file or the fault lies elsewhere, because attaching doesn't seem to work. Nevermind, I've made it into a resource (zip file that includes the custom position) that can be found here. I'm posting this little dialogue of mine, which I...

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