
  1. thaM

    SDT Loader v5.41a - invalid settings

    hey, i got some issues with mods i installed, im using many of them but 3 of them show me everytime i open my SDT launcher, -invalid settings- all of them have the setting.txt in the loader settings file. So can anyone figure the problem? thank you for help.
  2. Z

    How to rationalize zako's settings?

    我最喜欢的 zako 作品是 waraji 和 namatawaji 的士兵,他们穿着比基尼、丁字裤和高跟靴。然而,很明显这种衣服不适合在战斗中穿着。而我想让这些 zako 的设定像 Spetsnaz、SAS 或 SEAL 这样的真正的士兵。至少应该是 PMC Wanger 或 ACADEMI。 但是很难解释为什么这么多性感美女的扎科要加入这项危险的工作,为什么她们穿着如此性感,作为一个国家的特种部队或雇佣兵。谁能给出一个合理的解释呢?
  3. W

    Game Settings?

    I've looked and haven't found anything that tells you what the different settings do. Like what does the normal, soft, hard, self setting do, how does the resistance setting work stuff I haven't been able to find a guide that tells you what they do and stuff.
  4. K

    RGB Apron using RGB 2 settings -request met

    I would like a versions of this mod: please but adjusted using the second RGB colors so I can layer it with other clothing. I would make this myself, but I am an idiot. EDIT: Request met, see link in next post
  5. M

    How do you adjust game settings to allow a flexible penis when it's longer?

    So I've tried messing with the 'penisrange' notes/script for penisrangeV8 mod... just the simple changing 1's to 0's and so on, following the instructions most notes include... and can't seem to replicate the flexibility/bending in the penis in the actual game as shown in the gif attached...
  6. M

    Help PLZ... How do you adjust game settings to allow a flexible penis when is longer?

    So I've tried messing with the 'penisrange' notes/script... just the simple changing 1's to 0's and so on, following the instructions most notes include... and can't seem to replicate this in the game. Some guidance/help would be greatly appreciated 🙏
  7. B

    change hand tapping settings

    looking for a way to adjust how frequently and how quickly she taps her hand, so to look like more/less struggle. I believe this can already be adjusted in the progressiveexhaustion mod but not to the extent i'd like. Thanks!
  8. F

    Mod for fucking after cum?

    This is specifically for Auto mode. Just wondering if there is a mod or something I can do in the settings to have the male/female continue to fuck after cumming. Bukakke mode somewhat does this but you have to manually press a button for cum.
  9. aminasiugnas

    Belly Inflation seems to be broken/not working?

    ... Okay, I give up. I think I'm doing something wrong. I'm currently using the Sarah v1.2 character mod made by Arkanae on LoversLab. Followed the instructions, even got the other two character mod zip files (coz why not?), am also using ModGuy's bundle. I got the folders where they should...
  10. SwallowScaling

    SwallowScaling v1.0

    Allows adjustment of the swallowing animation timing values for.
  11. Hank East

    What, exactly, is histween skew in Animtools?

    I've been playing around with animtools, and for as much as I change the histween skew settings I cannot figure out what they do.

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