[Costume Modding Tutorial] [An Easy Visual Guide] (1 Viewer)


Content Creator
Jul 23, 2012
If you're stuck or get an error, post here or in the Help Board
Unfortunately I can't help immediately, but someone else might

x) General Stuff
Flash CS/CC Dev software (1 month free trial) [Admin Note: This product nowadays goes by the name "Adobe Animate", which means this link still works properly.]
Flash Player (you likely already have this)

Konashion's Modding Template
Flash CS3, CS4 View attachment SDTModding.zip
Flash CS5, CS6, CC View attachment SDTModdingCS5.zip

What will help you
Prior Flash CS experience (maybe you've fucked around making stick figures, I don't know)

Template advantages/disadvantages
Konashion's (vanilla) Template (you are working with this)
+ Official tools from the game's creator
+ Mods will work with both SDT and the Loader
+ Ability to make Dynamic/Vector hairs (meaning that they move and don't look pixelated/blurry when you zoom in)
- Limited modding (you can't make clothes for the guy)

Loader (Faceless) Template
+ Can edit nearly everything
+ You can make costumes for the guy
~ The mods are only compatible with Modguy's Loader (not everyone has/knows/bothers to use it)
~ More lines of script you can screw up
- Mods are known to lose compatibility over time

Other things you should know
Save often
Always check that you're drawing in the right place

Useful keyboard shortcuts
Undo - cmd+z / ctrl+z
Redo - cmd+y / ctrl+y
Save - cmd+s / ctrl+s
The usual stuff

1) Setting Up
! Please note that this is just my preferred set up. You can use your own, but this will be the one used in the tutorial

First thing you wanna do is to start up Flash. Hit File > Open then find SDTmod.fla

Set the workspace to Animator.

Try to move the windows around to change it to this layout. Drag the timeline below the canvas, and click "collapse to windows".
You can move or delete the motion presets window.

After that Set the stroke color to Black, with 70% Alpha.
This setting is good for most situations

Find the Line Tool. To the left in the Properties window, set the stroke to 2.5.

Last step; Find the Library window and find the template that you want to use.
This tutorial will use the Bottoms Template under Template > Costume > Clothes.

Double click the inside Bottoms Template until it replaces the big canvas where Kona's Tutorial was. Now you're ready to draw.

2) Drawing
Now comes the hardest and most tedious part of making costumes...Drawing
I'm going to make a relatively easy mod here.

Right now Flash should look like this. In red are things that you should know.

Double click inside the layer that you want to mod (Right thigh).
Notice how the Main tab and Timeline change.

Use the Line tool and Magnet tool to draw a line. Notice how the line sticks.

Make a blocky polygonal shape/outline that will form the clothes.
The ends of the lines should stick together easily.

! Try to keep a balance between how many lines/sides you make
Not enough lines = can't cover the entire area when you bend them
Too many lines = can become uneven

Switch to the Arrow tool and bend the edges to match the reference layer. (in this case, all of them bend outwards)

And bam, you've created a basic outline for a costume.

Lets continue by adding a fill. Use the bucket tool to fill inside the outline.

After that, go back to the Bottoms template.

Double-click on her foot. I've gone ahead and did the lines and fills.

This costume is basically stockings and boots in one
There's no easy way to make these. Start with a polygon and mold out your costume part
You could also trace but that would be cheating smart

Eventually, you'll end up with something presentable
I took out part of the line.


I went back and added a little something.


Here's a cheap trick for the [Bottoms template]
When have everything drawn on one leg, you can [copy] then [paste in place] the lines and fills onto the other leg.

Once you're done, go back and delete all of the reference layers.

Good Job, now you know how to draw.
How you go from here is up to you.

3) Scripting
Make sure you've deleted all of the reference layers.

Delete the README layer, it just gets in the way.

4) Publishing
Drop down File... then publish.
Check your folder where the SDTmod.fla was. In this case the SDTmodding folder.
In the same folder, the SDTmod.swf file is your new mod. Test it out.

You can rename the .swf to whatever you want before distribution.
Do not rename the .fla.

Last step:
Don't pull a Mike.
Someone out there will want it.
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Potential Patron
Jul 28, 2012
God damn you, I was gonna try to be productive this weekend.

Seriously though, this is awesome, can't wait to mess with it.


Potential Patron
Sep 28, 2011
All bow in the glory of Synon...

But seriously, this is shaping up to be the best costume tutorial ever. You are the frikkin' MAN.

cookies are free

Potential Patron
Aug 10, 2012
This does look really nice :) Imma wait till you finish writing it (1 month trial, don't wanna waste it), read it thoroughly and give it a go ^.^ thanks man.

P.S. general knowledge > useful keyboard shortcuts > ctrl+s is save (on windows)


Content Creator
Jul 23, 2012
>Remembers having to complete the tutorial
>Hasn't even opened flash in 3 days


I'll finish this weekend.


Content Creator
Jun 19, 2011
I look forward to seeing this finish, hopefully with your guidance Synonymous we pick up some more costume makers; I know I'll be giving it a shot as I'd liked to get involved more.

Thanks for your work.

Okay, CS5, that's an issue... Any chance you have a CS4 copy, or can save the file as a CS4 compatible version? Please? :D


Content Creator
Jul 23, 2012
Shade said:
Okay, CS5, that's an issue... Any chance you have a CS4 copy, or can save the file as a CS4 compatible version? Please? :D


Found it, it's at the bottom of the first post.

anon already showed you nvm lol


Content Creator
Jun 19, 2011
Synonymous said:

Found it, it's at the bottom of the first post.

anon already showed you nvm lol

Thanks regardless! ;)


Content Creator
Jun 15, 2012
Congratulations, You've made a loader mod. Give me a few days of tweaking and I'll have a pre-ready Costume Template ready. All you have to do is draw your mod, delete the unnecessary lines in the coding, outlines, & excess components, export, and ta-dah! No register lines required.


Casual Client
Feb 4, 2012
Dante said:
Congratulations, You've made a loader mod. Give me a few days of tweaking and I'll have a pre-ready Costume Template ready. All you have to do is draw your mod, delete the unnecessary lines in the coding, outlines, & excess components, export, and ta-dah! No register lines required.

Not to disminish your enthusiasm but there's no difference between deleting your preactivated code or activating Faceless' commented lines. Either way you have to understand what you're doing (i.e : you have to read) or you will do crap.


Content Creator
Jun 15, 2012
Finally! Now I can....get...the same error message over and over again. Crap.

Symbol 'Bottoms Template', Layer 'Settings', Frame 1, Line 10 1120: Access of undefined property ModTypes.

Okay, let me restart from the beginning and get this thing done. I'm bound and determined to make dynamic hairs.


Content Creator
Jul 23, 2012
Dante said:
Finally! Now I can....get...the same error message over and over again. Crap.

Symbol 'Bottoms Template', Layer 'Settings', Frame 1, Line 10 1120: Access of undefined property ModTypes.

Okay, let me restart from the beginning and get this thing done. I'm bound and determined to make dynamic hairs.

You most likely put the registerMod(x) line inside the actual bottoms template. Take it out.

Click MAIN to go where kona's wall of text was. The registerMod(x) goes to the Settings keyframe there.

Also you literally have to drag the template from the Library onto the Mods layer there as well. Once there you give the instance name.

I'll try to get some screens, it's hard to explain.


Content Creator
Jun 15, 2012
Went in, deleted everything, EXCEPT the Assets, and body template. Colored the back red, and deleted the reference. Registered it as "back" on line 13.


Published and got this:

I don't know what I did. This was not the intended result I wanted, but....


Won't be too much longer till I'll figure this out and have my loader mods, become official mods. Minus the hims, but hey it's better than nothing.


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