3D Artist
- Joined
- Apr 23, 2022

See how the ISIS Soldiers handles the killed female Mercenaries after the Battle!
Runtime: 15 Minutes
#Necrosex #Fucking(Normal, Mouth, Ass) #Soft Necro (Kissing, Carressing), Cadaver dragging/handling
Here is the Link:

RELEASE: Invaders Part 1 - Deluxe Edition (includes the Aftermath Addon!)
See how female Mercenaries try to take a ISIS Position and fail trying it. Half of them getting shot dead while charging by the 3 Browning MG´s of the ISIS Humvees, but the other half still twitching and mourning on the battlefield... so the guys have to take out their Knifes, Pistols and Bayonetts to finish them!
This includes the Aftermath Addon!
Runtime: 23 Minutes
Action/Killing: 50%
Afertmath/Dragging/Bodypile/NecroSex: 50%
Weapons: Guns, Pistols, Knifes, Bayonetts
Special: Finishing of injured warriors, Fucking (Ass/normal/Mouth), Kissing, Carresing
Here is the Link: