
Ryonani Teamster
Apr 1, 2012
Howdy all,

I'm posting this in the hope that we can spread out from our one main thread a bit.

There are plenty of instances of zako in games, and a decent number in animated media, but zako in live action situations seem quite rare. In movies and television, there will often be large squads of bad guys, but not a single bad girl. This thread is for the exceptions to that rule. The more cannon fodder evil babes, the better!

I know DynamiteFetish already posted a thread pointing out the zako from "Danger 5", and that's a good one, but there are many more out there. I'll post my live action material here, and I urge others to do the same.


Ryonani Teamster
Apr 1, 2012
Cash (2007) - Indian movie featuring some female zako

My first contribution to this topic. These zako may not be the best, but they aren't terrible either. Basically, two heroines have to fight against several female thugs dressed in black spandex catsuits. Unfortunately, as is so often the case with zako, their scenes are over quickly and there is not much focus on them before, during, or after the fight. On the other hand, the female baddies are pretty hot, they are hit pretty hard, and they are left lying scattered and unconscious on the road. So that's something.

The first baddie is actually thrown from a speeding car:
Action Movie Cash _Indian_ ff vs ffff_0001.jpg
The others are beaten up by martial arts and fisticuffs:
Action Movie Cash _Indian_ ff vs ffff_0004.jpg Action Movie Cash _Indian_ ff vs ffff_0005.jpg Action Movie Cash _Indian_ ff vs ffff_0006.jpg Action Movie Cash _Indian_ ff vs ffff_0008.jpg

For some reason the film intersperses short animated clips along with the regular filming:
Action Movie Cash _Indian_ ff vs ffff_0009.jpg Action Movie Cash _Indian_ ff vs ffff_0010.jpg Action Movie Cash _Indian_ ff vs ffff_0011.jpg Action Movie Cash _Indian_ ff vs ffff_0012.jpg Action Movie Cash _Indian_ ff vs ffff_0013.jpg

The end result: the heroines do a high five and run off, leaving the baddies where they fell.
Action Movie Cash _Indian_ ff vs ffff_0014.jpg

Clip on YouTube:

Just as a bonus...I'l have to do an entire post later on (or perhaps thread) dedicated to the zako from the "Female Combatants" series from Zen Pictures, but here's a little sample for now:
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Amazon Shark

Master of this Domain
Aug 21, 2012
Hi everyone. I'm new to the term "zako" but I've been into the whole female minions, henchwomen, goons, mooks, etc for a long time, and I prefer live-action scenes myself, so I thought I'd introduce myself here. I have many clips to contribute and will be doing so soon, including a better quality version of the above scene with the female combatants (the one that look like female version of putty henchmen from Power Rangers).

Operation White Shark (1967)

A group of zako, led by some fat man, approach the hero and his girl. The girl takes on the zako, and knock them all out. The hero and his girl leave them on the ground.
vlcsnap-2012-08-21-13h55m15s148.jpg vlcsnap-2012-08-21-13h56m23s101.jpg vlcsnap-2012-08-21-13h57m12s126.jpg vlcsnap-2012-08-21-13h57m40s86.jpg

Clip: Operation Whiteshark - fight.avi

Two zako henchwomen are patrolling a cave where the evil organization is located. The hero is trying to infiltrate it. They run into the hero, and the smart zako hides while the less competent zako shoots and shoots at the hero until she runs out of ammo. The hero then shoots her dead. The other zako thinks the hero doesn't know she's hiding, so she comes out to try and kill the hero, but we find out she isn't as smart as we thought.
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Clip: Operation Whiteshark - shot.avi


A better quality clip of the Female Combatants "Captivities" video that Kimblis posted.

Dozens of Zako are defeated by Power Rangers-type heroes. Multiple KO and many fall into body piles.
vlcsnap-2012-08-21-21h27m28s209.jpg vlcsnap-2012-08-21-21h27m44s151.jpg vlcsnap-2012-08-21-21h29m25s98.jpg vlcsnap-2012-08-21-21h30m35s28.jpg vlcsnap-2012-08-21-21h30m45s152.jpg
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Clip: Captivities - Zako.avi

Starcrash (1978)

A sort of human robot and his female friend are captured by a gang of evil Zako, dressed like Amazons, and the female leader orders them to kill the humanoid robot. After he is shot, the female friend takes on the Zako amazons.
vlcsnap-2012-08-21-21h53m22s144.png vlcsnap-2012-08-21-21h53m39s32.png vlcsnap-2012-08-21-21h54m00s241.png vlcsnap-2012-08-21-21h54m17s172.png vlcsnap-2012-08-21-21h54m44s179.png vlcsnap-2012-08-21-21h55m42s25.png vlcsnap-2012-08-21-21h56m12s13.png

But there are too many... She is captured again and brought to the presence of the evil Amazon leader, surrounded by dozens of Zako Amazons.
vlcsnap-2012-08-21-21h56m58s25.png vlcsnap-2012-08-21-21h57m28s11.png

The human/robot guy returns to save his female friend, and takes the evil Amazon leader as hostage so they can escape. The Zako Amazons chase after them, but the robot guy zaps a few of the ones that are able to follow them. Unfortunately, that's the last we see of any of the Zako or their leader in this movie.
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Clip: Starcrash - Zako.avi


The Avengers (TV show) "How To Succeed At Murder (1966)

A group of Zako attack the female heroine, but she is able to fight them off, knocking a few out as they fall in a body pile. She then knocks out the rest by hitting their heads against one another.
vlcsnap-2012-08-21-23h15m05s235.png vlcsnap-2012-08-21-23h16m19s233.png vlcsnap-2012-08-21-23h16m54s100.png vlcsnap-2012-08-21-23h17m13s28.png vlcsnap-2012-08-21-23h17m38s17.png vlcsnap-2012-08-21-23h18m42s109.png

Clip: Avengers - Succeed at Murder - Zako.avi



Ryonani Teamster
Sep 24, 2011
There is a lot of great stuff there, Amazon Shark, but in the future, if nobody's posted again and you have something you would like to add, if the post is only a few hours old, please use the edit button and add it in there. Thanks. :)

Amazon Shark

Master of this Domain
Aug 21, 2012
No problem. Sorry about that.

Virgins From Hell (1987)

Two Zako's are shot and taken out by the good girls of the movie. You can see a third minion in the background previously taken out off-screen.
j5kxuh.jpg 2pr7ex2.jpg

Clip: Virgins From Hell1-shot.avi

The aftermath. The female lead and male hero swap tongues right in front of the defeated Zako.

Clip: Virgins From Hell2-bodies.avi


Temptress of 1000 Faces (1969)

In this movie, the main bad guy is a villainess, and she has an army of male henchmen, as well as female minions dressed in black outfits with boots; all of which get taken out in this scene. A bunch of female Zako and henchmen are shot while the heroes try and infiltrate the villainess' hideout.
2wpsbc7.jpg 21cglu9.jpg 73gg0y.jpg 2n01lvn.jpg
vpk9zp.jpg 2mytaxh.jpg 24vl1ci.jpg 24vl1ci.jpg 2zswkut.jpg

The villainess' 2nd-in-command, and the leader of the Zako (wearing the red vest), along with another female mook, is also shot.
2r6dtaq.jpg o9gxna.jpg 96fecx.jpg 29orimr.jpg jigh77.jpg 5x94d4.jpg

Clip: Temptress Of A 1000 Faces - extended battle.avi


Amazons vs Supermen (1974)

We're first introduced to the Zako, as Amazons, during a tournament to see how the next leader of the Amazons will be, or something like that.
11auyo8.jpg 2czvcj9.jpg 2dt0pzm.jpg b7jm1f.jpg 34yboxx.jpg 2ntjubt.jpg

Clip: Amazons vs Supermen-1-FightLeader.avi

The heroes infiltrate the Zako Amazons village and rescue the villagers the Zakos kidnapped.
One of the heroes knocks the guards out with a single rock.

Clip: Amazons vs Supermen-2-Infiltrate.avi

The Zako Amazons attack the hero's village, but the hero sends a bomb their way.
10gbq68.jpg 35arrt3.jpg 2q04jkg.jpg

Clip: Amazons vs Supermen-3-bomb.avi

One of the good guys and his girlfriend fight off a few Amazon Zakos.
t5n4lh.jpg o5t53d.jpg 1rvgw0.jpg

Clip: Amazons vs Supermen-4-fight1.avi

The same good guy takes on a few more incompetent Amazon Zakos.
apkbc7.jpg kyo79.jpg

Clip: Amazons vs Supermen-5-fight2.avi

The finale. Whatever Amazon Zako remain are cornered into a trap, where the villagers gather them up,
knock them out with clubs, and toss them all into a body pile like garbage.
qs89qf.jpg f1b0v6.jpg 17a684.jpg
aeppvb.jpg 124vwi0.jpg 33z92kz.jpg 2yzbvns.jpg

Once the Zako Amazons are disposed of, the hero takes out the lead Zako.
2lo6fme.jpg 24dph8z.jpg

Clip: Amazons vs Supermen-6-final.avi


More to come!!!


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Content Creator
Jun 22, 2011
Hi everyone. I'm new to the term "zako" but I've been into the whole female minions, henchwomen, goons, mooks, etc for a long time, and I prefer live-action scenes myself, so I thought I'd introduce myself here. I have many clips to contribute and will be doing so soon, including a better quality version of the above scene with the female combatants (the one that look like female version of putty henchmen from Power Rangers).

Operation White Shark (1967)

A group of zako, led by some fat man, approach the hero and his girl. The girl takes on the zako, and knock them all out. The hero and his girl leave them on the ground.
View attachment 36525View attachment 36526View attachment 36527View attachment 36528

Clip: Operation Whiteshark - fight.avi

great post! stuff like this is what got me into Zako in the first place (before i even knew it was an actual fetish)

I love how the three women who attack them are dressed in tight black leotards. I love how two of them get knocked out and are shown lying face down while the fight goes on (displaying their wonderful butts.) Finally I love how you see all three of them lying on the ground at the end

---------- Post added at 11:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:51 AM ----------


Potential Patron
Apr 14, 2012
Has anyone seen perils of probably has on of the best ZaKo scenes ever but it seems like it was never digitailed

Amazon Shark

Master of this Domain
Aug 21, 2012
I know what you're talking about. I'll upload Gwendolyn later, along with some more Zako scenes.

EDIT - Here are the Gwendolyn clips.

Perils Of Gwendoline In The Land Of The Yik Yak (1984)

Sorry, no preview pics for this one.

A female Zako get's "hooked". Later, while Gwendoline is held in a dungeon, her dungeon mate chokes the evil Zako and steal her uniform.

Zako-operated chariots are used to escape, but the Zako catch up to the heroes, knocking over their chariot, along with the Zako pulling it. The male hero is captured, but Gwendoline gets away. She is chased by one of the Zako and is almost killed, but her dungeon friend from before throws a big boulder at the Zako's head, killing her. The Zako's mask is removed so Gwendolyn can pose as the Zako. The dead Zako is rolled down a hill.

Much more clips to come!
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Ryonani Teamster
Apr 1, 2012
Oh yeah... many awesome contributions! Thanks Amazon Shark!

Let me add a bit more to this. From Mighty Heroine (I think that's the title):
Four zako ambush the heroine disguised as doctors/nurses, but she takes them down in a variety of ways, from injecting one with a syringe, to choking one out, to just beating them up:

Action Mugu Mighty Heroine Zako_0003.jpg Action Mugu Mighty Heroine Zako_0005.jpg Action Mugu Mighty Heroine Zako_0006.jpg Action Mugu Mighty Heroine Zako_0007.jpg Action Mugu Mighty Heroine Zako_0008.jpg Action Mugu Mighty Heroine Zako_0009.jpg Action Mugu Mighty Heroine Zako_0012.jpg

The zako try again, but the results are the same. When the last zako tries to run, the heroine chases her down and takes her out:
Action Mugu Mighty Heroine Zako_0015.jpg Action Mugu Mighty Heroine Zako_0021.jpg Action Mugu Mighty Heroine Zako_0023.jpg Action Mugu Mighty Heroine Zako_0026.jpg Action Mugu Mighty Heroine Zako_0027.jpg Action Mugu Mighty Heroine Zako_0030.jpg Action Mugu Mighty Heroine Zako_0031.jpg

In a final confrontation, the zako use swords, but this turns out to be a huge mistake for them! They are left scattered on the ground while the heroine faces a big monster:
Action Mugu Mighty Heroine Zako_0042.jpg Action Mugu Mighty Heroine Zako_0044.jpg Action Mugu Mighty Heroine Zako_0046.jpg Action Mugu Mighty Heroine Zako_0049.jpg Action Mugu Mighty Heroine Zako_0050.jpg Action Mugu Mighty Heroine Zako_0052.png

Download link:
Martial Arts Heroine vs Female Baddies.wmv
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Amazon Shark

Master of this Domain
Aug 21, 2012
Wonder Women (1973)

A campy 70s movie with lots of henchwomen and minions. Some turn good towards the end of the movie, but the ones in the yellow outfits stay evil and get what's coming to them ;)

Our hero is trying to infiltrate the evil villain's hideout, and takes out a Zako in the process. There's too many, though, and he is taken prisoner.

Clip: WonderWomen1.avi

One of the bad-girls-turned-good shoots one of the zako and destroys a lab. Our hero escapes with the main female lead, who is also a bad-girl-turned-good, and shoots a bunch of evil zako on a stairwell. More zako forces are brought in.
29fpmol.jpg f0q6p4.jpg 16m0exe.jpg

Clip: WonderWomen2.avi

More zako forces try to take down the hero, but he shoots most of them. A couple of zako are killed by the weird zombie-like men that were made in the lab.
2ed6xye.jpg 2cmxc2e.jpg 1h2wyc.jpg

Clip: WonderWomen3.avi


More to come!!!


Content Creator
Jun 22, 2011
there was one zako scene that really did it for me. It involved a 'heroes vs. amazons' scenerio where two men, captured by amazons strangle a zako guard and hide her in a barrel. I dont think its from the movie you posted. i saw the clip on youtube once and have been unable to track it down.


Potential Patron
Apr 14, 2012
I know what you're talking about. I'll upload Gwendolyn later, along with some more Zako scenes.

EDIT - Here are the Gwendolyn clips.

Perils Of Gwendoline In The Land Of The Yik Yak (1984)

Sorry, no preview pics for this one.

A female Zako get's "hooked". Later, while Gwendoline is held in a dungeon, her dungeon mate chokes the evil Zako and steal her uniform.

Zako-operated chariots are used to escape, but the Zako catch up to the heroes, knocking over their chariot, along with the Zako pulling it. The male hero is captured, but Gwendoline gets away. She is chased by one of the Zako and is almost killed, but her dungeon friend from before throws a big boulder at the Zako's head, killing her. The Zako's mask is removed so Gwendolyn can pose as the Zako. The dead Zako is rolled down a hill.

Much more clips to come!

Good job ashark...i had vhs but just couldnt digitalize it...thanks again


Ryonani Teamster
Apr 1, 2012
More Zako!!!

Phoenix the Warrior (She Wolves of the Wasteland) - A post-apocalyptic movie from the 80s in which all but a few men have died, and all the women now run around in skimpy outfits shooting at each other and engaging in sword fights and such. Our heroine fights against an old evil hag who has a bunch of younger evil babes do her bidding.
Our heroine, and the first two zako she takes care of: Phoenix the Warrior Full Scenes_0002.jpg Phoenix the Warrior Full Scenes_0005.jpg Phoenix the Warrior Full Scenes_0009.jpg Phoenix the Warrior Full Scenes_0010.jpg
More zako. The tall blonde one is my personal favorite: Phoenix the Warrior Full Scenes_0006.jpg Phoenix the Warrior Full Scenes_0007.jpg Phoenix the Warrior Full Scenes_0018.jpg Phoenix the Warrior Full Scenes_0021.jpg
I like the contrast between the mohawk zako and the curly blonde zako: Phoenix the Warrior Full Scenes_0022.jpg Phoenix the Warrior Full Scenes_0027.jpg
The arena features some interesting zako, and lots of bloodshed: Phoenix the Warrior Full Scenes_0031.jpg Phoenix the Warrior Full Scenes_0041.jpg Phoenix the Warrior Full Scenes_0050.jpg

Download clips from this folder: Free Cloud Storage - MediaFire
Or watch on Youtube:

Samurai Avenger: The Blind Wolf - This movie got awful reviews and I have not watched most of it, but there is one part where the heroes take on three really hot zako, and deal with them very ruthlessly.
Action Samurai Avenger The Blind Wolf zako_0001.jpg Action Samurai Avenger The Blind Wolf zako_0002.jpg Action Samurai Avenger The Blind Wolf zako_0003.jpg Action Samurai Avenger The Blind Wolf zako_0004.jpg Action Samurai Avenger The Blind Wolf zako_0005.jpg Action Samurai Avenger The Blind Wolf zako_0006.jpg
Download clip here: Action Blind Wolf zako.avi

Half Baked - Let's lighten the mood a bit with some zako from a comedy. These zako all work for a drug kingpin, who has them dress in skimpy outfits and swing swords and stuff. The heroes in this movie are your stereotypical stoner types, but they still manage to defeat the zako, sometimes in creative ways.
They spend a lot of time standing around looking sexy: Half Baked zako00.jpg Half Baked zako01.jpg Half Baked zako.jpg Half Baked zako03.jpg
And of course threatening our brave stoner heroes: Half Baked zako17.jpg Half Baked zako18.jpg Half Baked zako19.jpg
But they're not so good when it comes to actually fighting: Half Baked zako06.jpg Half Baked zako07.jpg Half Baked zako10.jpg Half Baked zako08.jpg

Download clip from this folder: Free Cloud Storage - MediaFire

George of the Jungle 2 - Another comedy. This one features the heroic jungle dude George trying to fight off a bunch of bulldozers from destroying his jungle. One of the bulldozers is operated by two hot zako who are in no way dressed to be operating heavy machinery:
George meets the two lovely ladies, who proceed to dish out some pain: action georgeofthejungle2_0002.jpg action georgeofthejungle2_0005.jpg action georgeofthejungle2_0004.jpg
Because George is being chivalrous, his kangaroo (seriously) takes on the women: action georgeofthejungle2_0007.jpg action georgeofthejungle2_0010.jpg action georgeofthejungle2_0011.jpg
As the two get back to their feet, George's friggin kangaroo gets an idea: action georgeofthejungle2_0012.jpg action georgeofthejungle2_0013.jpg action georgeofthejungle2_0014.jpg action georgeofthejungle2_0015.jpg
And this is the last we see of these two: action georgeofthejungle2_0016.jpg action georgeofthejungle2_0017.jpg

Download the clip from this folder: Free Cloud Storage - MediaFire

By the way, I realize it is debatable whether the last two henchwomen qualify as zako, since they each seem like somewhat individual characters...but the fact remains, neither is given much development within the movie, and their only function is to come into conflict with the hero and be defeated by him (or his kangaroo).
I think that keeps them on the side of being zako, right?

Anyway, there are more Live Action Zako yet to come!
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Amazon Shark

Master of this Domain
Aug 21, 2012
there was one zako scene that really did it for me. It involved a 'heroes vs. amazons' scenerio where two men, captured by amazons strangle a zako guard and hide her in a barrel. I dont think its from the movie you posted. i saw the clip on youtube once and have been unable to track it down.

The scene you're looking for should be found on this thread. Forum ~ Runboard If not, I have the movie.


Million Eyes of Sumuru (1967)

Dozens of evil Zako are killed during a battle between the heroes and an army at their side, and the villainess. All her henchwomen are killed, but she manages to escape (for the sequel of course).

vlcsnap-2012-08-27-12h08m00s90.png vlcsnap-2012-08-27-12h09m46s139.png vlcsnap-2012-08-27-12h10m24s18.png vlcsnap-2012-08-27-12h12m38s60.png


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Content Creator
Jun 22, 2011
The scene you're looking for should be found on this thread. Forum ~ Runboard If not, I have the movie.


Million Eyes of Sumuru (1967)

Dozens of evil Zako are killed during a battle between the heroes and an army at their side, and the villainess. All her henchwomen are killed, but she manages to escape (for the sequel of course).

View attachment 36839View attachment 36840View attachment 36841View attachment 36842

Clip: Million Eyes Of Sumuru - full finale.avi

damn. I have to wait for them to accept my application for the membership. I really hope it doesnt take too long

Amazon Shark

Master of this Domain
Aug 21, 2012
Geheimcode Delta Force (1978)

aka Geheimcode Death-Force
aka Sabotage 2

A rare Filipino movie from the late 70s. The movie features female henchwomen running around in skimpy red bikinis, mixed with henchmen in red jumpsuits. This clip has all the Zako scenes that are featured. I have never seen the entire movie, someone else edited these scenes. There is a big battle at the end.
vlcsnap-2012-09-03-21h11m56s210.png vlcsnap-2012-09-03-21h14m16s71.png vlcsnap-2012-09-03-21h15m16s204.png
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vlcsnap-2012-09-03-21h20m30s23.png vlcsnap-2012-09-03-21h21m23s233.png

Clip: deleted broken link

Unknown Zen-Pictures movie (2008?)

Scene featuring many Zako in tight tops and short shorts, with dark masks face off with the heroines of the movie.
vlcsnap-2012-09-04-02h04m04s95.png vlcsnap-2012-09-04-02h04m59s31.png vlcsnap-2012-09-04-02h05m43s65.png vlcsnap-2012-09-04-02h06m37s83.png vlcsnap-2012-09-04-02h07m41s185.png vlcsnap-2012-09-04-02h09m47s152.png vlcsnap-2012-09-04-02h12m54s2.png


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Ryonani Teamster
Oct 6, 2011
Wow, most of these films are considerably older than me.. I had literally 0% idea that there were films like this from the 1960s! (or even the 70s). Either it's my age or I am naive; I have no clue of the commercial (or lack of) success these films were likely to have received, but starting from the top - the zako in Operation White Shark are dressed in an incredibly sexy manner, and are very attractive in their own right - that's a great scene, with some nice pacing. I would like to have seen the zako doing some more winning, but both clips are great.


Samurai Avenger: The Blind Wolf - This movie got awful reviews and I have not watched most of it, but there is one part where the heroes take on three really hot zako, and deal with them very ruthlessly.
View attachment 36809View attachment 36810View attachment 36811View attachment 36812View attachment 36813View attachment 36814
Download clip here: Action Blind Wolf zako.avi

grab02159.jpg grab04902.jpg

Really loving the girl in white, probably because of her vulnerable state right at the end (before her unfortunate death, of course). I really wished that the samurai could've shown some compassion... alternatively I wish I could draw, so I can make some alternate ending to it :p

Contributing some .gifs of her, since she's very cute. Granted, she's got a case of no-chest, but that's not an issue to me :)

Also, I saw the trailer. Apparently the three zako did a short dance thing in the movie, with the zako in white leading (the actress is credited as dance choreographer). Judging by the looks of the trailer it seems like an obvious parody of spaghetti westerns (in the director's words, this is 'sushi western') much like the game "Samurai Western". Should be a fun watch, if not for its "so bad it's good" value."


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