Here's 3 mods that I've been working on for MK9. These work on the latest Steam version of the game, and replace existing costumes. Here's a rundown:
Sonya Alternate: Removed sunglasses, removed hat, removed dog tags, and removed some damage (mostly facial damage). Damage exposes her nipple.
Jade Primary: Removed veil, removed some damage. Damage exposes her nipple.
Kitana Alternate: Removed back cloth, softened some facial features. Damage exposes both nipples.
The damage textures came from an old mod, "Amoral Kombat", created by EddyBoy, which doesn't work with newer patches. Thanks to EddyBoy for the original texture mod! I've also attached some previews of a mod to Kitana's primary that removes her mask and gives her shorter hair, but it is fairly glitchy right now, and still requires a significant amount of work.
To install, find the SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\MortalKombat_KompleteEdition\DiscContentPC\Asset folder, and just drop these files in. Don't forget to backup the original files!
Mod Link
Sonya Alternate: Removed sunglasses, removed hat, removed dog tags, and removed some damage (mostly facial damage). Damage exposes her nipple.
Jade Primary: Removed veil, removed some damage. Damage exposes her nipple.
Kitana Alternate: Removed back cloth, softened some facial features. Damage exposes both nipples.
The damage textures came from an old mod, "Amoral Kombat", created by EddyBoy, which doesn't work with newer patches. Thanks to EddyBoy for the original texture mod! I've also attached some previews of a mod to Kitana's primary that removes her mask and gives her shorter hair, but it is fairly glitchy right now, and still requires a significant amount of work.
To install, find the SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\MortalKombat_KompleteEdition\DiscContentPC\Asset folder, and just drop these files in. Don't forget to backup the original files!
Mod Link

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