There will be clipping problems with the hole on her side, because it is located at the junction of two layers (possibly three with the breast). It may seem okay in some positions, if the girl do not move, but as soon as she'll start to breath deeply, the borders of the hole will start to be misaligned. Maybe the shape and/or location of the hole need to be changed, or maybe this hole will cause too many problems to be kept (I didn't made tests already).
Damn, I hate this kind of problem. It can be solved
so damned easily with FFD (freeform deformation). The artist would just draw his work, choose "automatic rigging", and then the clothing would automatically stretch in the same way as the underlying skin.
Without FFD we
can reproduce this effect, but it requires us to either spend technical effort (on real-time fitting) or limit the artist's creativity (e.g. avoid all shading; use flat colors so that the stretching errors will be less visible; omit breast-slider support to simplify the fitting work; etc). The technical option is not a panacea, because it usually means that the source file becomes cluttered with undocumented code and sub-sprites; the artist may not be able to understand his own project anymore. You could ask
@Huitznahua about the complexity of the FLA sources for the
bikini mods; those files are quite intimidating.
I almost want to just ignore this stuff completely and instead spend all of my time working on a FFD-capable replacement for the whole game.
Back on topic: the side hole can potentially be implemented as a mask. The mask would respond to breathing and so it would grow/shrink slightly as the abdomen changes shape. It could be applied to any number of layers; you'd essentially draw a "complete" bodysuit and then the hole would be "subtracted" at runtime. It could potentially be combined with breast-slider support and RGB adjustment, since you'd be applying those techniques conventionally (to the full bodysuit) without worrying about the hole.
The key limitations are:
- the aforementioned technique would require the SDT Loader. Vanilla users would be unable to enjoy the costume.
- by default, the mask would simply be a hole in the fabric. We could do some extra work to add realism details (such as an outline separating the fabric from the bare skin, stitching details around the hole, etc).
- the masks impose a runtime performance penalty; FPS will be reduced somewhat (perhaps 1-2 FPS less than a "normal" bodysuit without any holes).
The trick is that it is not a
hole, but a
shape filled with the skin colour.

The problem is that if the skin colour is changed, this will not change accordingly... But there may be a solution with a
mask (see below)
Clever trick. If we're making a Loader mod then we can draw a skin-filled teardrop shape and adjust its color to match the girl's skin. Or we can just apply a Mask -- as you suggested.
1. Is it possible (in Vanilla) to make a mask so the hole on the side (on the Back layer) will not clip with the fill (RGB) of the Chest layer? Here is the FLA:
Note: Your file looks OK, but I'm not going to make any edits unless this becomes a Loader project. My role would be to apply AS3 or physics stuff after the shape and shading have already been established (because I cannot create those artistic details on my own). So please feel free to continue experimenting with it.
We could probably create the Mask effect which you've suggested, but the coding (for vanilla) would be very messy. I'd prefer to simply draw the items in a way which avoids overlap. Or draw the teardrop skin element on the BACK layer, so that the question of overlap becomes moot. Or draw the bodysuit+boots+sleeves+tail+etc, publish it in SWF format, then convert it into a Loader project and try to tackle the "bonus" items (physics-animated tail, stretchy hole in bodysuit, etc).
2. I saw that the colour of the Top is slightly different from the one of the Bottoms, while they share the same RGB slider:
Confirmed: I can recreate this error when testing the costume locally.
SDT has imperfect color fidelity; I've noticed 0xFFFFFF backgrounds being displayed as 0xFEFEFE. There are presumably a few overlying layers (such as hair layers, semen layer, etc) which mess things up.
Is there is a way to avoid this, or at least to make it less noticeable?
I don't know how to fix it, and the problem seems very minor to me (RGB ±1). Dante's work (such as the
latex bodysuit) exhibits the same problem, and yet I've never seen any complaints from his fans about the color-change border effects :)
I don't intend to spend any time on this problem, and I would encourage you to ignore it.