[Sorry this one took so long - I really wanted to get Juri's voice right, and I spent a lot of time working on. Hope the result is a presentable product.]
"Hello? Is anybody there?"
Ling Xiaoyu found herself in the midst of a massive factory, apparently the site of her first 'fight' in this tournament - if you could even call something like this a legit tournament, in the first place. Being forced to fight, having to know that, even if she won, she was leaving so many others behind, and if she lost...no, that was unthinkable. She couldn't end up like those other girls, and she couldn't stand by and let them be held here. She had to do something, she just had no idea what it was. Yet.
But those thoughts hung at the back of her head. For the moment, she was more concerned about her current opponent, and the fact that she couldn't find her despite walking around for a good ten minutes, now.
The factory was vast, a maze, and whatever it had been used to make, it had long since stopped making it. Unusued chains and equipment hung down from the ceiling, occasionally creaking and jangling with a spare wind from one of the cracked windows. Dust clung tight to everything, even the air was foul with it, making Xaioyu cough every time she took too deep a breath. The last rays of a lazy evening sun sparsely illuminated the area, letting shadows creep along and stretch into arcane shapes off the machinary. And through it all, Xiaoyu couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched.
At first she thought it was nothing, just the occasional creaks of the machinary. But this nose was closer. Rhythmic. Footsteps. She would only hear it every few seconds, sporadic, but it was there and it was nearby, the sounds echoing all around, impossible to hone on. She was being followed. Stalked.
She stopped in the middle of walkway, slowed her breathing and close her eyes - focusing. Whoever this was, with complete silence taking hold of the factory, Xiaoyu could hear her.Hear the soft tap of bare feet on metal, the gentle rustle of pants swishing with each step, that heavy, lusting breath...
Above. "So you finally found me, huh? Took you long enough."
Xiaoyu looked up and, at first, saw nothing, just darkness on a catwalk above - then, that purle glint, a speck of light coming from her opponents eyes. The rest of her body seemed to melt out of the darkness a moment later, as if the blackness was a cloak she could shrug off at will. The woman looked down on her with a wry, sensuous smile, the sort of smile Xiaoyu would have expected on a spider.
"What's this, now?" The woman said with a little scoff, leaning against the railing as she gazed down at Xiaoyu. "A pretty little thing like you in a rough tournament like this? Young. Innocent. Alone in an unfamiliar place with an unfamiliar person...and it's not even my birthday."
Xiaoyu stepped back, almost tripping over some spare cables on the floor as she did. She quickly straightened up and kept her stare hard on her opponent - there was something about her, an aura, a vibration, a weird sensation that made Xiaoyu's hairs stand on edge. It was like she oozed danger. "Who are you?"
"The worst person you could've wound up fighting." She jumped up and perched on the railing, balancing there on only one foot, barely any effort to it. "Juri Han."
"Ling Xiaoyu, and I-"
"I didn't ask, stupid."
Xiaoyu blinked, off guard from that. "What?"
Juri stretched out her other leg, maintaing her perch as she stretched out into a perfect split - Xiaoyu could do the same thing easy enough, but probably not while balanced on a rail. "Like I'd care what your name is - no need to get personal. You're just a little something to keep me occupied until I get the chance to fight a real woman."
Xiaoyu's eyes widened, then narrowed in a scowl. "I am a 'real woman'!"
Juri chuckled, hoping over to her other leg for balance so she could stretch them both out. "Please. What are you, sixteen? Even I've got standards."
"I'm nineteen!" She stomped, kicking up a small dust cloud around her foot. "And I'm not a pusheover."
"Oh, I see how it is." Juri lowered her foot and crouched on the rail, looking down on Xiaoyu like an owl drawing a bead on its prey. "A year away from twenty, and you think it's time to start hanging with the the adults. Pathetic."
Juri waited for a reply, but she didn't get one - verbally. Instead, Xiaoyu simply moved into her fighting stance; right arm at her side, left arm out and bent, left leg forward and heel slightly raised. Poised. Relaxed body, relaxed mind. She was ready.
Juri cocked her head to one side, then swayed back and sighed. "Cute." She tapped her chin, considering, then leaned forward. "All right, you want to play rough, I can play rough. You asked for it."
Xiaoyu expected Juri to grab hold of the railing and lower herself down - instead, she leapt off the railing, somersaulting through the air and coming at Xiaoyu with a hellish axe kick from above. She jumped back, Juri's foot passing just in front of her face before it came crashing down. Xiaoyu took a step and threw a palm Juri's way, but she ducked low long before it could even connect and spun on her head, catching Xiaoyu in the leg with a sweeping kick.
Xiaoyu fell back and pushed herself into it, turning a nasty fall into a graceful backflip to get more space between her and Juri - or that's what she was trying to do, anyway; the second she landed, Juri was on her with a sidekick that slammed hard into her chest and a hook kick that crashed into the side of her head, all without lowering her leg for a second.
The hook kick spun Xiaoyu around, but she was starting to get a feel for Juri's style; she was pure aggression, non-stop movement from start to finish, high kicks and high power. Xiaoyu lowered her stance stretched out her arms, going for caution.
"Ooo, kitten's got some claws after all." She lifted her leg upwards into a perfect split. "Well. I'm right here." She brought the leg down slow and easy, until she was standing, nice and normal, with her hands open. Invinting. "Come on. Let's see how deep those claws can go."
Xiaoyu edged closer, waiting for Juri to take up her fighting stance again. She lowered her stance, ready to pounce. Juri didn't move. She tensed her thigh. Juri didn't move. She took a quick step forward then moved back fast, a fake. Juri smirked.
She was being played with. Xiaoyu had fought through tournaments, taken on opponents three times bigger than her, earned her place against the strongest and best on her world. She wouldn't stand for that.
Xiaoyu moved forward and swung out, spinning, the jutting forward with a quick palm strike aimed for Juri's chin - a flawless move, stylish and fast, deadly and powerful, if it hit...which it didn't.
Juri simply stepped back. No flashy moves, no acrobatic trick, she simply stepped back and dodged the palm strike by an inch. The bare minimum effort she needed to get out of Xiaoyu's range, judged to perfection.
Xiaoyu spun around and swung out with a hook kick of her own, one that Juri dodged by simply bending backward at lazy speed, letting it sail overhead.
"Frustrating, isn't it?" She blocked two of Xiaoyu's serpent strikes, swatting them aside like flies. "You're good, I can tell." She spun to the side, making Xiaoyu miss a snap kick that she'd never missed before.
As Juri spun, Xiaoyu lost sight of her for a second - just a second, barely that. She took a quick pivot, correcting herself, and when she did, Juri was right there. Right there. Face to face. Nose to nose. So close Xiaoyu could feel the heat from her breath, blasting over her like a furnance, hot and heavy and hungry. Xiaoyu froze, stunned by the sheer alacrity of it.
"You know..." Juri bit her lip, taking a quick look down. "I think I might take back what I said before. Starting to think you look good enough to eat."
She reached forward, grabbed Xiaoyu by the back of her head, and pulled her in for a vicious kiss, ramming so hard into her that Xiaoyu could have sworn their teeth cracked into each other. Her tongue slithered in past the lips, exploring the cave of her mouth, prodding and poking, only withdrawing when Juri stopped the kick and replaced it with an even more vicious bite, drawing blood and a high-pitched squeal.
Xaioyu ripped away with a push, leaving her open for Juri to kick her square in the chest. She slammed hard into a wall, falling forward, limp.
"Ah ah!" Juri lashed out with a sidekick, hitting Xiaoyu hard in the throat and pressing her against the wall, pinning her there. Xiaoyu gasped as her last free breathes escaped, fighting for each puff of air as her windpipe was pushed harder and harder. "Don't get all flaccid on me now, it's just getting good."
Juri leaned back and spun around, hard and fast, swinging out with a spinning heel kick that cracked hard into Xiaoyu's face, sending her down with an arc of blood straight for them nose. Xiayu's face hit the floor first and her body followed right after, stars dancing across her vision.
"Aw, poor baby." Juri sighed and cooed, walking around Xiaoyu as she struggled to stand, feebly grabbing the conveyor belt of a nearby machine for support - support that was taken away the moment Juri kicked her arm and sent her back to the floor, her face falling into the steadily growing puddle of blood beneath it. "Guessing this was a little more than you bargained for?"
Xiaoyu breathed hard, kicking up a cloud of dust. She gritted her teeth and started to push up again, slower than before, weaker than before, but no less determined. "I'm not done-"
Juri's foot slammed hard into the back of Xiayu's neck and drove her face back into the same puddle. "Really? You’re not? Because from up here…”
Juri watched Xiaoyu squirm for a few moments before stepping back, sauntering backwards with her hands on her hip and giving Xiaoyu the precious moments she needed to stand back up. She stumbled, stuttered, was barely able to put her arms in a defensive stance, but she managed.
Juri took one step forward. Xiaoyu flinched and took one step back. Juri smirked. “Give up.”
“I…” Xiaoyu bit her lip. “I will not-”
Juri took a bold step forward and swung her leg in a low sweep, hitting Xiaoyu in the back of her knee and making her buckle. Before she could stand back up, Juri pulled back and swung her other leg into Xiaoyu’s chest with enough force to send her off her feet and tumble her over the conveyor belt, crashing into a cart of tools that just so happen to be laying in the wrong spot. Wrenches and screws fell about her as she came to a rolling stop.
Juri leapt over the side of the belt, somersaulted in the air, and came to a rest sitting on the edge, her legs crossed, calm and mellow. “Give up.”
Xiaoyu started to stand again, nearly tripping on the loose bolts beneath her feet. “I told you, I’m not-”
Juri sprung off the belt and bounded towards her Xiaoyu with two steps - the first to close the distance, the second to bounce up and hit Xiaoyu in the face with her rising knee to the face, busting her already-busted nose even further. Xiaoyu arched back, started to fall, but before she even have the chance, Juri grabbed her by the pigtails and yanked back hard, hauling her across the floor as she struggled and screeched, dragging her through the piles of tools and slamming her into a sitting position against the wall.
Xiaoyu started to rise again, but Juri stopped the motion dead in its tracks once more, plopping down hard across her lap. She was close, so close Xiaoyu could feel Juri’s crotch teasingly rubbing across her leg, feel their skin touching where Xiaoyu’s ripped clothing and her bare midriff touched, feel Juri’s hot breath steaming up her neck.
Xiaoyu got over her revulsion long enough to try and push away, but Juriy grabbed her by the wrists and pinned them to the wall, slamming them so hard Xiaoyu was sure she felt the bones crack.
“Off! Get off me -” Xiaoyu’s scream of protest turned into a scream of disgust of as Juri’s tongue ran across her face, savoring the salty solution of sweat, blood, and tears. “You - you bitch!”
“Flatterer.” Juri jolted forward and hit her in the face with a headbutt, knocking out what little sense she had left. “Now. Give up.”
Xiaoyu’s head lolled forward, looking back at Juri through swelling, but defiant, eyes. “I will never give up.”
Juri just chuckled and started to move on Xiaoyu’s lap, grinding against her as she brought her legs around.. “Fine. Truth told, even if you did, I wouldn’t stop, anyway. I just love to hear a schoolgirl beg, is all.”
Juri’s legs wrapped around Xiaoyu’s waist, like an anaconda circling its prey, and the she squeezed with a power that would put even that snake to shame. Xiaoyu let out a hoarse croaked, then gasped, then looked into Juri’s eyes and saw the strange, glowing tint, some unearthly power that seemed to give her strength even more raw power.
Xiaoyu twisted. Juri squeezed harder. Xiaoyu bucked, Juri squeezed harder. Xiaoyu tried to bite Juri in the shoulder. Juri gave her another headbutt, then bit her hard in the neck, digging her teeth into the soft flesh deep enough to draw out drops of blood. Xiaoyu tried to scream, but the best she could do with a weak screech, one that was cut off as Juri gave another squeeze and forced out the final puff from her lungs.
Xiaoyu’s kicks got weaker. Her eyes rolled back.Her heartbeats slowed. And through it all, Juri rode,her, ground into her, moaned, panted, until the struggles finally came to a standstill - no movement.
Still, Juri kept squeezing for almost half a minute, pulsing her thighs until she shuddered, sighed, and relaxed, resting her head against Xiaoyu’s bloody neck and nuzzling it.
A minute passed, as Juri’s breathing returned to a normal pace and the sweat on her back started to dry. She stood up and gave Xiaoyu’s sleeping, broken body a kick in the side, making it slump off the wall into a heap. She looked up, searched the wall for a few moments, until she found what she was looking for - a little red light, hiding in the darkness of a corner, looking down at them. A camera.
Juri looked back with a lazy smirk. “Next?”
From the control room, Mistress Ryona looked back with the same smirk. “This one, I like.”
[Hope you enjoyed it. As a shameless plug, I'm getting in RPing. If you'd like to RP with Mistress Ryona or anything, please give me a PM.]

"Hello? Is anybody there?"
Ling Xiaoyu found herself in the midst of a massive factory, apparently the site of her first 'fight' in this tournament - if you could even call something like this a legit tournament, in the first place. Being forced to fight, having to know that, even if she won, she was leaving so many others behind, and if she lost...no, that was unthinkable. She couldn't end up like those other girls, and she couldn't stand by and let them be held here. She had to do something, she just had no idea what it was. Yet.
But those thoughts hung at the back of her head. For the moment, she was more concerned about her current opponent, and the fact that she couldn't find her despite walking around for a good ten minutes, now.
The factory was vast, a maze, and whatever it had been used to make, it had long since stopped making it. Unusued chains and equipment hung down from the ceiling, occasionally creaking and jangling with a spare wind from one of the cracked windows. Dust clung tight to everything, even the air was foul with it, making Xaioyu cough every time she took too deep a breath. The last rays of a lazy evening sun sparsely illuminated the area, letting shadows creep along and stretch into arcane shapes off the machinary. And through it all, Xiaoyu couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched.
At first she thought it was nothing, just the occasional creaks of the machinary. But this nose was closer. Rhythmic. Footsteps. She would only hear it every few seconds, sporadic, but it was there and it was nearby, the sounds echoing all around, impossible to hone on. She was being followed. Stalked.
She stopped in the middle of walkway, slowed her breathing and close her eyes - focusing. Whoever this was, with complete silence taking hold of the factory, Xiaoyu could hear her.Hear the soft tap of bare feet on metal, the gentle rustle of pants swishing with each step, that heavy, lusting breath...
Above. "So you finally found me, huh? Took you long enough."
Xiaoyu looked up and, at first, saw nothing, just darkness on a catwalk above - then, that purle glint, a speck of light coming from her opponents eyes. The rest of her body seemed to melt out of the darkness a moment later, as if the blackness was a cloak she could shrug off at will. The woman looked down on her with a wry, sensuous smile, the sort of smile Xiaoyu would have expected on a spider.
"What's this, now?" The woman said with a little scoff, leaning against the railing as she gazed down at Xiaoyu. "A pretty little thing like you in a rough tournament like this? Young. Innocent. Alone in an unfamiliar place with an unfamiliar person...and it's not even my birthday."
Xiaoyu stepped back, almost tripping over some spare cables on the floor as she did. She quickly straightened up and kept her stare hard on her opponent - there was something about her, an aura, a vibration, a weird sensation that made Xiaoyu's hairs stand on edge. It was like she oozed danger. "Who are you?"
"The worst person you could've wound up fighting." She jumped up and perched on the railing, balancing there on only one foot, barely any effort to it. "Juri Han."
"Ling Xiaoyu, and I-"
"I didn't ask, stupid."
Xiaoyu blinked, off guard from that. "What?"
Juri stretched out her other leg, maintaing her perch as she stretched out into a perfect split - Xiaoyu could do the same thing easy enough, but probably not while balanced on a rail. "Like I'd care what your name is - no need to get personal. You're just a little something to keep me occupied until I get the chance to fight a real woman."
Xiaoyu's eyes widened, then narrowed in a scowl. "I am a 'real woman'!"
Juri chuckled, hoping over to her other leg for balance so she could stretch them both out. "Please. What are you, sixteen? Even I've got standards."
"I'm nineteen!" She stomped, kicking up a small dust cloud around her foot. "And I'm not a pusheover."
"Oh, I see how it is." Juri lowered her foot and crouched on the rail, looking down on Xiaoyu like an owl drawing a bead on its prey. "A year away from twenty, and you think it's time to start hanging with the the adults. Pathetic."
Juri waited for a reply, but she didn't get one - verbally. Instead, Xiaoyu simply moved into her fighting stance; right arm at her side, left arm out and bent, left leg forward and heel slightly raised. Poised. Relaxed body, relaxed mind. She was ready.
Juri cocked her head to one side, then swayed back and sighed. "Cute." She tapped her chin, considering, then leaned forward. "All right, you want to play rough, I can play rough. You asked for it."
Xiaoyu expected Juri to grab hold of the railing and lower herself down - instead, she leapt off the railing, somersaulting through the air and coming at Xiaoyu with a hellish axe kick from above. She jumped back, Juri's foot passing just in front of her face before it came crashing down. Xiaoyu took a step and threw a palm Juri's way, but she ducked low long before it could even connect and spun on her head, catching Xiaoyu in the leg with a sweeping kick.
Xiaoyu fell back and pushed herself into it, turning a nasty fall into a graceful backflip to get more space between her and Juri - or that's what she was trying to do, anyway; the second she landed, Juri was on her with a sidekick that slammed hard into her chest and a hook kick that crashed into the side of her head, all without lowering her leg for a second.
The hook kick spun Xiaoyu around, but she was starting to get a feel for Juri's style; she was pure aggression, non-stop movement from start to finish, high kicks and high power. Xiaoyu lowered her stance stretched out her arms, going for caution.
"Ooo, kitten's got some claws after all." She lifted her leg upwards into a perfect split. "Well. I'm right here." She brought the leg down slow and easy, until she was standing, nice and normal, with her hands open. Invinting. "Come on. Let's see how deep those claws can go."
Xiaoyu edged closer, waiting for Juri to take up her fighting stance again. She lowered her stance, ready to pounce. Juri didn't move. She tensed her thigh. Juri didn't move. She took a quick step forward then moved back fast, a fake. Juri smirked.
She was being played with. Xiaoyu had fought through tournaments, taken on opponents three times bigger than her, earned her place against the strongest and best on her world. She wouldn't stand for that.
Xiaoyu moved forward and swung out, spinning, the jutting forward with a quick palm strike aimed for Juri's chin - a flawless move, stylish and fast, deadly and powerful, if it hit...which it didn't.
Juri simply stepped back. No flashy moves, no acrobatic trick, she simply stepped back and dodged the palm strike by an inch. The bare minimum effort she needed to get out of Xiaoyu's range, judged to perfection.
Xiaoyu spun around and swung out with a hook kick of her own, one that Juri dodged by simply bending backward at lazy speed, letting it sail overhead.
"Frustrating, isn't it?" She blocked two of Xiaoyu's serpent strikes, swatting them aside like flies. "You're good, I can tell." She spun to the side, making Xiaoyu miss a snap kick that she'd never missed before.
As Juri spun, Xiaoyu lost sight of her for a second - just a second, barely that. She took a quick pivot, correcting herself, and when she did, Juri was right there. Right there. Face to face. Nose to nose. So close Xiaoyu could feel the heat from her breath, blasting over her like a furnance, hot and heavy and hungry. Xiaoyu froze, stunned by the sheer alacrity of it.
"You know..." Juri bit her lip, taking a quick look down. "I think I might take back what I said before. Starting to think you look good enough to eat."
She reached forward, grabbed Xiaoyu by the back of her head, and pulled her in for a vicious kiss, ramming so hard into her that Xiaoyu could have sworn their teeth cracked into each other. Her tongue slithered in past the lips, exploring the cave of her mouth, prodding and poking, only withdrawing when Juri stopped the kick and replaced it with an even more vicious bite, drawing blood and a high-pitched squeal.
Xaioyu ripped away with a push, leaving her open for Juri to kick her square in the chest. She slammed hard into a wall, falling forward, limp.
"Ah ah!" Juri lashed out with a sidekick, hitting Xiaoyu hard in the throat and pressing her against the wall, pinning her there. Xiaoyu gasped as her last free breathes escaped, fighting for each puff of air as her windpipe was pushed harder and harder. "Don't get all flaccid on me now, it's just getting good."
Juri leaned back and spun around, hard and fast, swinging out with a spinning heel kick that cracked hard into Xiaoyu's face, sending her down with an arc of blood straight for them nose. Xiayu's face hit the floor first and her body followed right after, stars dancing across her vision.
"Aw, poor baby." Juri sighed and cooed, walking around Xiaoyu as she struggled to stand, feebly grabbing the conveyor belt of a nearby machine for support - support that was taken away the moment Juri kicked her arm and sent her back to the floor, her face falling into the steadily growing puddle of blood beneath it. "Guessing this was a little more than you bargained for?"
Xiaoyu breathed hard, kicking up a cloud of dust. She gritted her teeth and started to push up again, slower than before, weaker than before, but no less determined. "I'm not done-"
Juri's foot slammed hard into the back of Xiayu's neck and drove her face back into the same puddle. "Really? You’re not? Because from up here…”
Juri watched Xiaoyu squirm for a few moments before stepping back, sauntering backwards with her hands on her hip and giving Xiaoyu the precious moments she needed to stand back up. She stumbled, stuttered, was barely able to put her arms in a defensive stance, but she managed.
Juri took one step forward. Xiaoyu flinched and took one step back. Juri smirked. “Give up.”
“I…” Xiaoyu bit her lip. “I will not-”
Juri took a bold step forward and swung her leg in a low sweep, hitting Xiaoyu in the back of her knee and making her buckle. Before she could stand back up, Juri pulled back and swung her other leg into Xiaoyu’s chest with enough force to send her off her feet and tumble her over the conveyor belt, crashing into a cart of tools that just so happen to be laying in the wrong spot. Wrenches and screws fell about her as she came to a rolling stop.
Juri leapt over the side of the belt, somersaulted in the air, and came to a rest sitting on the edge, her legs crossed, calm and mellow. “Give up.”
Xiaoyu started to stand again, nearly tripping on the loose bolts beneath her feet. “I told you, I’m not-”
Juri sprung off the belt and bounded towards her Xiaoyu with two steps - the first to close the distance, the second to bounce up and hit Xiaoyu in the face with her rising knee to the face, busting her already-busted nose even further. Xiaoyu arched back, started to fall, but before she even have the chance, Juri grabbed her by the pigtails and yanked back hard, hauling her across the floor as she struggled and screeched, dragging her through the piles of tools and slamming her into a sitting position against the wall.
Xiaoyu started to rise again, but Juri stopped the motion dead in its tracks once more, plopping down hard across her lap. She was close, so close Xiaoyu could feel Juri’s crotch teasingly rubbing across her leg, feel their skin touching where Xiaoyu’s ripped clothing and her bare midriff touched, feel Juri’s hot breath steaming up her neck.
Xiaoyu got over her revulsion long enough to try and push away, but Juriy grabbed her by the wrists and pinned them to the wall, slamming them so hard Xiaoyu was sure she felt the bones crack.
“Off! Get off me -” Xiaoyu’s scream of protest turned into a scream of disgust of as Juri’s tongue ran across her face, savoring the salty solution of sweat, blood, and tears. “You - you bitch!”
“Flatterer.” Juri jolted forward and hit her in the face with a headbutt, knocking out what little sense she had left. “Now. Give up.”
Xiaoyu’s head lolled forward, looking back at Juri through swelling, but defiant, eyes. “I will never give up.”
Juri just chuckled and started to move on Xiaoyu’s lap, grinding against her as she brought her legs around.. “Fine. Truth told, even if you did, I wouldn’t stop, anyway. I just love to hear a schoolgirl beg, is all.”
Juri’s legs wrapped around Xiaoyu’s waist, like an anaconda circling its prey, and the she squeezed with a power that would put even that snake to shame. Xiaoyu let out a hoarse croaked, then gasped, then looked into Juri’s eyes and saw the strange, glowing tint, some unearthly power that seemed to give her strength even more raw power.
Xiaoyu twisted. Juri squeezed harder. Xiaoyu bucked, Juri squeezed harder. Xiaoyu tried to bite Juri in the shoulder. Juri gave her another headbutt, then bit her hard in the neck, digging her teeth into the soft flesh deep enough to draw out drops of blood. Xiaoyu tried to scream, but the best she could do with a weak screech, one that was cut off as Juri gave another squeeze and forced out the final puff from her lungs.
Xiaoyu’s kicks got weaker. Her eyes rolled back.Her heartbeats slowed. And through it all, Juri rode,her, ground into her, moaned, panted, until the struggles finally came to a standstill - no movement.
Still, Juri kept squeezing for almost half a minute, pulsing her thighs until she shuddered, sighed, and relaxed, resting her head against Xiaoyu’s bloody neck and nuzzling it.
A minute passed, as Juri’s breathing returned to a normal pace and the sweat on her back started to dry. She stood up and gave Xiaoyu’s sleeping, broken body a kick in the side, making it slump off the wall into a heap. She looked up, searched the wall for a few moments, until she found what she was looking for - a little red light, hiding in the darkness of a corner, looking down at them. A camera.
Juri looked back with a lazy smirk. “Next?”
From the control room, Mistress Ryona looked back with the same smirk. “This one, I like.”
[Hope you enjoyed it. As a shameless plug, I'm getting in RPing. If you'd like to RP with Mistress Ryona or anything, please give me a PM.]
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