Zielman's Forgotten Ladies (11.09.2016 - Leanna v2, Erin Stout) (1 Viewer)


Content Creator
Jul 10, 2011
Hello everyone, I'm Zielman, and welcome to my thread!​

Who am I?! Just a guy that wants girls from obscure, poorly received or just straight up forgotten vidya games in SuperDeepthroat.

I'm still improving, so POINT OUT MY FUCK-UPS or post advices.

You can leave requests, but I will fill them only if the girl is from something I know AND I like her enough. I'll take all requests if I work through my to-do list - and as you may imagine, 'obscure games' equals 'no-one is doing the imports' equals 'lots of girls on my to-to list"!

You can see the mods under spoilers, along with some of my free ramblings about related games and/or girls. Alternatively, you can look all of my imports up in the Download section.

Man, I love this game. It's probably my favourite one ever, or at least a high number in my top 5. Don't get me wrong, it's not the best game ever, but... I just love how Arkane Studios took Might&Magic world (from the HoM&M V onwards) and made it darker, grimier, and more brutal. The story was interesting, the atmosphere was intense and the combat was and still is the best FPP melee combat ever. And, of course, there're the ladies:

Download: Hair; Outfit (with cape); Outfit (without cape)

Leanna was the cute, awkward sorceress opposing protagonist's cynical inner voice, demoness Xana. It made for a very interesting and funny relationship, which then lead to the biggest choice for me:
purge myself of my demon form and of Xana, or abandon Leanna, who senses the evil within me? I always purged Xana, just because I loved Leanna's company.
This was my first mod, ambitous at that level of "whatthefuckamidoing". I think it still looks great. The hair is a little unfamiliar, but fuck it, irregular colors are hard to do.
I love to hate and hate to love this game. As a fan of Elder Scrolls, who sunk countless hours in both Morrowind and Oblivion, I fell in love in Skyrim and then started getting more and more pissed. Pissed at how the game could've been a masterpiece in every way, but was left... average in many places. Main story was shit, dragons - quantity over quality, and many sidequests - half-assed as fuck.


Download: Hair, Outfit
The background was made by amazing Lolkien and can be downloaded here.
Talking about half-assed. This character, a hardcore chick, a werewolf and member of a badass guild of fighters suddenly, after marrying her, changes to a housewife without any semblance of character... running a small shop. Hey, Bethesda, get this. I wanted this huntress as my wife to bathe in the blood of my enemies with her, not watch her sell cabbages! She's still visually cool, tho.

I'm pretty happy with this mod. To the extent I've "patched" it with different, better hair and minor tweaks one and a half year after I originally posted it.


Download: Hair, Outfit
Little Miss Critical, otherwise known as Erin Stout, main character of web comic Critical Miss. It talks about video games and the journalism around that industry (feels appropriate for the idea of my thread), and although I disagree with some of its points, it is still a great laugh and some vidya games food for thought. Also, there's a joke about one of the creators and the Rule 34 of Erin, so I'd like to imagine Grey actually finding this. Hi Grey, how's it going?
The hair was partially traced from Gerve's import, but I altered quite a bit to reflect some of the design changes and colour mistakes.
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Potential Patron
Jan 29, 2012
Re: Zielman's Forgotten Ladies (30.01.2015 - Leanna from Dark Messiah of M&M)

Lol, so you procrasti-created!? Nice! I completely understand that feeling of not wanting to study for a final. Anyways, great creation, hope to see more from you in the future.


Content Creator
Jul 10, 2011
Re: Zielman's Forgotten Ladies (30.01.2015 - Leanna from Dark Messiah of M&M)

Vergil said:
Lol, so you procrasti-created!?
Yeah, something like that ;)

If there are some experienced costume creators out there, help me out - how can I make bracelets in vanilla template? Do I use Body template? I tried, but the all the limbs aside from the left wrist just disappeared...


Potential Patron
Mar 27, 2011
Re: Zielman's Forgotten Ladies (30.01.2015 - Leanna from Dark Messiah of M&M)

great work dude!! nice intro btw..i feel the same about it, ive been here since the beginning but never had the time to really dig in to it and learn how to make my own mods to damn difficult! xD lol plus i dont own any adobe products lol


Casual Client
May 31, 2013
Re: Zielman's Forgotten Ladies (30.01.2015 - Leanna from Dark Messiah of M&M)

Zielman said:
Vergil said:
Lol, so you procrasti-created!?
Yeah, something like that ;)

If there are some experienced costume creators out there, help me out - how can I make bracelets in vanilla template? Do I use Body template? I tried, but the all the limbs aside from the left wrist just disappeared...

If you don't want your other limbs to disappear, then delete the layers for those body parts you haven't drawn anything on from inside the body template. Then the mod will only register your bracelet.


Content Creator
Sep 11, 2012
Re: Zielman's Forgotten Ladies (30.01.2015 - Leanna from Dark Messiah of M&M)

doing stuff to avoid other stuff, sounds about right to me xD


Content Creator
Jul 10, 2011
Re: Zielman's Forgotten Ladies (30.01.2015 - Leanna from Dark Messiah of M&M)

Thanks for support and kind words, guys. I'm doing stuff for finals and/or sleeping and/or dying, so I don't have that much time and energy now, but I did look closely on Kona's tutorials in the templates, and realized I'm kind of a moron sometimes. Doesn't matter now, next imports will be better than Leanna's that's fo' shizzle. And maybe I will add Leanna's bracelet sometime. We'll see.

Next up (15-25% done) is a character from a very popular series, from which there's only couple of bg's here and one costume import from Dante. The lady only appeared in the latest instalment, and her job there is to silently kick ass as a member of one particular fighting guild with an interesting (in theory, in game it's stupid and boring) secret. Can you guess who I'm talking about?

Also, I apparently can't do hair.


Content Creator
Jul 10, 2011
Re: Zielman's Forgotten Ladies (09.01.2015 - Leanna from Dark Messiah of M&M)

Shameless B.U.M.P., but with update, so it's ok (mods, sneaky with the b-word censor, btw).

Finals are over, couple of weeks passed and I finally started working on the new import. It's way, way better than Leanna's from what I can say now. I'm halfway done with it, the progress is shown on the screenshot below. The things to do: custom hair, bottom half of her armor and boots. It shouldn't be too much. Also, I forgot shading on the bottom part of shoulder piece, but I'll do it after I finish with this comment.



  • screenshot0001.png
    198.3 KB · Views: 1,090


Content Creator
Jul 10, 2011
Re: Zielman's Forgotten Ladies (09.03.2015 - New WIP)

Aela the Huntress is (finally) out.
Now I can focus on some of the Smite goddesses I wanted to make. It may be Nu Wa, but no promises! ;)

As always, point out the fuck-ups so I can work on them (maybe).

EDIT: Version without hair added.

Hank East

Content Creator
Jan 25, 2012
Heh, I really can't wait for the Smite mods! I'm still doing the Neith dialogue since I didn't have much time to write on the week, and some suggestions would be much appreciated ;). I went with the "Cheers up depressed minions" idea

Also, I've come up with some ideas for other dialogues:

Nu Wa - Clay minion training

Freya - Rewards a specially strong warrior in Valhalla

Nox - I came up with 2 ideas, both involving ol' Zues

First idea: Nox punishes Zeus for stepping out of line by causing sexual pleasure to actually hurt him, then she... Well you can guess the rest.

Second idea: Zeus manages to overpower Nox and as revenge for her punishing him multiple times before he...Well you can guess the rest.


Content Creator
Jul 10, 2011
The ideas sound really good, if you need some help send PM with the lines you've already written, I'll see if I can write some in simillar style.

I somehow imagine Freya in her dialogue a bit... intoxicated with mead.
HEY! That's an idea. Ambrosia/mead. Greek gods ballin' on Mount Olympus or Norse gods in Valhalla - all making sick godly orgies. It's an alternative if you run out of dialogue ideas! :D


Content Creator
Jul 10, 2011

I'm think I'm back! It's been year and a half since I posted something - I guess I was true to my promise of updating whenever-ly. I think my appreciation to SDT comes in waves, and this wave came with organising my folder, discovering tons of new mods and WOW A NEW SITE WITH A DOWNLOAD SECTION NEEEEEAT.

I dabbled in Flash some more and updated my Aela the Huntress mod:
- tweaked war-paint so it doesn't extend out of her face or cover the mouth when it's shut
- changed the left-hand gauntlet in "behind her back" position
- minor tweaks in costume
- changed the hair to something that is actually not painful to look at. Hey, this time I tried!

I also imported Aela to the Download section, and will post Leanna there after I look into her mod with some updates, maybe.

I ain't promisin' to post anything new in near future, but I feel the urgency to create some of the characters on my to-do list (which is kinda long). There are some mods I started doing and then abandoned (including Nu Wa from Smite I kinda promised Hank East Hank East to finish and never done it, sorry buddy, at least ZeV created her hair so I can do the rest). Will propably change to Loader template if future mods need it.
I take requests into consideration only if I played the game and I like the character, btw.
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Content Creator
Jun 5, 2012
I also imported Aela to the Download section, and will post Leanna there after I look into her mod with some updates, maybe.
Nice work on your first two uploads! Thorough descriptions, good preview images, proper tags. I've approved them for publication, and any future mods that you submit will be automatically published without delay. I have only a few nitpicks:
  • I've filled in the "Additional Information URL:" field for both mods so that they'll display a big blue button (which links people back to your thread).
    • You can include your thread's URL when making future uploads. The field is near the bottom of the form.
    • Or you can skip it; the Undertow website is fairly "connected" anyways. If someone enjoys your mods then they'll probably click your name ... and eventually they'll reach your thread.
  • The charcode doesn't specify a Skin Tone value. If the costume is loaded onto a Dark-skinned girl then she'll remain dark.
    • Could be fixed with a "skin:light;" snippet in the embedded charcode (and maybe a "skinhsl:0,1,1,1;" snippet if you want to be very thorough).
  • The hair and costume SWF files each include all of the vector artwork for Aela. The main difference is the ActionScript (i.e. which of those vector shapes will actually get injected into the scene).
    • This issue is a bit of a chore to deal with. It's very natural / convenient to keep all of the character's stuff in one FLA file.
    • To prevent "stray" shapes from being included in the SWF output, you must manually remove them from view (e.g. by moving them to a reference layer) before you choose to Publish your mod. Of course, this isn't necessary during routine editing and playtesting; it's needed only when you intend to actually share your work.
    • Please feel free to ignore this nitpick. The only adverse effect is a slight increase in the SWF filesize.


Content Creator
Jul 10, 2011
Nice work on your first two uploads! Thorough descriptions, good preview images, proper tags.
Thanks, Stuntcock, you're the man.
I usually look up others' imports to see how they tag and describe their mods, plus I'm usually frustrated if someone doesn't do it. So I'm happy I've done my job and didn't make you do it for me. ;)

Hank East

Content Creator
Jan 25, 2012
Zielman Zielman Oh hello! Welcome back to the SDT community! Don't worry about it that much, wouldn't be the first time a request I've made didn't get done.


Content Creator
Jul 10, 2011
Don't worry about it that much, wouldn't be the first time a request I've made didn't get done.
Well fuck, now I feel like an asshole. To be fair, though, Nu Wa's outfit is tricky to do in SDT, I have a rough draft in my WIP files where I smashed my head in a wall of problems for a while. But Leanna's and Aela's also weren't EASY per se, and I do like the challenge. I'll look into it in a while.


Content Creator
Jul 10, 2011
The second version of Leanna's outfit and a new mod for Erin Stout from Critical Miss are both up!

Leanna still misses her amulet (which is a major pain to recreate, especially with no side shots and those pixelated 2007 textures) and her rings, but those details are so minor that I just gave up. She now has her necklace and bracelet, however, and I created the capeless version, because there were leftover files from way-back-when with that version half-done.

Also, there's Erin! I saw Gerve's import and thought that I can do a quick import of her, as it was quite easy and I needed to move some of my creative muscles. I tried Breast sliders, but abandonded it when Flash died on me after dozen tries and realization, that some of 152 frames of "animation" for those breasts I would need to fill by hand, one by one, because Flash hates tweens and transitions. Or maybe I'm not patient enough, who knows.

I don't promise what's next because when I promise on the Internet, the thing never or almost never actually happens.


Content Creator
Jul 10, 2011
Holy shit. So today I opened my WIP file for Nu Wa and I realized I actually have some groundwork done - and by "some groundwork" I mean impressive amount of non-outfit material.



It won't be smooth sailing, as her outfit is EXTREMELY detailed, but I'll give it a shot. I need to consider whether or not to leave the scales (the cyan thingies in the second screenshot). If I leave them in, I think they need to be scaled up a bit (pun kinda intended).
This mod is using vanilla template and I'm kinda curious if it will need to be moved to a Loader template. I like to be thorough with creating those mods (case in point - the tattoos in the pic), and I have some ideas to involve everything from her design in the mod in some way, so I'll be experimenting.
And also - I'm so fucking glad that ZeV's done her hair, I would have tore my goddamn hair out if I've ever took a shot at it. I might make the import dynamic if I get his permission.

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