Content Creator
- Joined
- Nov 8, 2013
Many thanks to pim_gd for providing v2.04 and to Gollum before him! I've just added a small amount to the work done by the giants before me.
DialogueActions - v3.00 (17 April 2014)
Current version is v3.00, uploaded 17 April 2014.
DialogueActions is a loader mod that exposes more game-actions to dialogue writers. This allows dialogue writers to write more engaging or interactive dialogues. Examples include having a dialogue play completely automatic, having her change clothes, having her masturbate and many more!
Full documentation is provided in the download.
Source can be found here:
DialogueActions - v3.00 (17 April 2014)
Current version is v3.00, uploaded 17 April 2014.
v3.00 (by WeeWillie, 4/17/14)
- Added [VA_SAVE_SAVEGAME_<SAVENAME>],[VA_LOAD_SAVEGAME_<SAVENAME>], which save to disk any global variables set by [VA_SET_GLOBALVARIABLE...]
- Added [VA_CLEAR_SAVEGAME_<SAVENAME>] which deletes a save game made via [VA_SAVE_SAVEGAME_<SAVENAME>]
- When DialogueActions first loads, it clears out the active dialog. This is to avoid issues where a dialog is loaded through the character menu (i.e. Scene->Custom), and then on next load of SDT automatically runs without having the needed folder initializations.
- When the frame rate gets 10fps or below, DA clears the spit, and if fps still doesn't rise, it clears the cum strands in an attempt to correct the poor framerate. When frame rate is low, other commands like animtools and character loads begin to fail.
- Added [BUTTON<1-10>_ON][BUTTONALL_ON][BUTTON<1-10_OFF][BUTTONALL_OFF], used in conjuction with "da.button<1-10>.name" for a button GUI.
- Added audio triggers, [SLAP],[AH_HARD],[OH_HARD],[OH_SOFT], and [OW].
- Added ability to load a mod via dialog using [LOAD_MOD] and [CLEAR_MOD] in conjuntion with "da.mod.load"
- Fixed a bug with string comparison and parentheses.
- Added [HIDE_HIS_ARM], which hides (and only hides) his arm. Recommend [RELEASE] to be paired with this.
- Added [SHOW_HIS_ARM].
- Fixed [GAG] causing a internal crash which led to line freeze and infinite choking
- Altered the way [VA_SET_VARIABLE_<var1>_<value>] works: [VA_SET_VARIABLE_<var1>_+=<value>] for adding numbers, [VA_SET_VARIABLE_<var1>_-=<value>] for substracting numbers, [VA_SET_VARIABLE_<var1>_<value>] for directly setting the value (which will cast string to number)
- Fixed a bug in equation evaluation where *4 + 3* would turn into 43. (should be 7)
- Turned off debug messages (left them on by accident)
- Implemented string comparison (but if you have spaces in a string they will get ignored)
- Fixed a bug where a trigger could get skipped due to low framerate
- Fixed a bug where triggers at the start of the line would get skipped
- Fixed a bug where her masturbation would continue if the game was paused
- Ending masturbation with [MASTURBATE_OFF] now no longer changes her right arm position (if changed by animtools)
- Special characters (such as periods) are now no longer filtered from triggers for DialogueActions.
- Merged VariableArithmetic into DialogueActions
- Changed the way backgrounds, charcodes, dialogues and hair files are loaded
-- (variable) background {write only} -> (variable) da.background.load {write only}
-- (variable) loadCharCode {write only} -> (variable) da.charcode.load {write only}
-- (variable) hair {write only} -> (variable) da.hair.load {write only}
-- (variable) loadDialogue {write only} -> (variable) da.dialogue.load {write only}
- Changed the way clothing is set
-- (variable) <clothingType> {write only} -> (variable) da.clothes.<clothType> {read AND write} (clothType later explained in greater detail)
- Changed triggers:
-- [FLASH_<hex>] - Fades the screen to hex color, lasts indefinitely
-- any triggers with arm resetting may cause minor graphical glitches. Fixable with [FIX_ARMS] ([FIX_LEFT_ARM][FIX_RIGHT_ARM])
- Added variables:
da.masturbation.herpleasure {read and write} - her masturbation pleasure (scale: 0-100)
da.random {read only} - returns a random value between 0 and 1. Example usage to make it 1-10: (you'll have to define x as "*" in initial_settings to get access to multiplication operator) [VA_SET_VARIABLE_var1_*da.random x 9 + 1 \ 1*] - formula is ( random * ( max - min ) ) + min \ 1
da.hair.load {write only} - For loading hair files. Only static images are supported right now. Delay set is possible, using [LOAD_HAIR]
da.background.load {write only} - For loading backgrounds. Delay set is possible, using either [CHANGE_BACKGROUND] or [FADE_BACKGROUND_<hex>]
da.dialogue.load {write only} - For loading dialogues. Acts instantly, might halt the current line from playing.
da.charcode.load {write only} - For loading (partial) charcodes.
da.clothes.<clothType>.<colorComponent> {read and write}
--clothType = any of these: "ankleCuffs", "armwear", "bellyPiercing", "bottoms", "collar", "cuffs", "earring", "eyewear", "footwear", "gag", "headwear", "himBottoms", "himFootwear", "himTop", "legwear", "legwearB", "nipplePiercing", "panties", "tonguePiercing", "top", "tops"
--colorComponent = any of these: "r", "g", "b", "a", "r2", "g2", "b2", "a2". r, g, b and their r2, g2, b2 cousins are from 0 to 255. a and a2 are from 0 to 1
- Added triggers:
-- [BOUNCE_TITS_<power>] - BOUNCE_TITS, with custom power argument. Suggested max is 0.5. [BOUNCE_TITS] uses 0.15.
-- [FIX_ARMS] - Stops rubbing, rotates her hands back to normal
-- [FIX_LEFT_ARM] - FIX_ARMS, left arm only
-- [FIX_RIGHT_ARM] - FIX_ARMS, right arm only
-- [INSTANT_END_FLASH] - Instantly ends a FLASH effect, without fading
-- [INSTANT_FLASH_<hex>] - Instantly sets the screen to hex color. Only ends after [END_FLASH] or a variant thereof.
-- [INSTANT_FLASH_<hex>_<durationInMilliseconds>] - Instantly sets the screen to hex color, waits durationInMilliseconds milliseconds before ending the fade effect.
-- [FLASH_CHANGE_COLOR_<hex>] - changes the fade effect's color.
-- [LOAD_HAIR] - Loads a hair file set to the variable da.hair.load . Only works if the trigger is on the same dialogueline as the variable set for da.hair.load.
-- [VA_SET_VARIABLE_<variableName>_<value>] - Sets the named variable's value to the provided value. Example: [VA_SET_VARIABLE_var1_5].
-- [VA_SET_VARIABLEBYNAME_<variableTargetName>_<variableSourceName>] - Sets the named target variable's value to the value of the named source variable. Example: [VA_SET_VARIABLE_var1_var2].
-- [VA_SET_GLOBALVARIABLE_<globalVariableName>_<value>] - stores a value in DialogueAction's memory.
-- [VA_SET_GLOBALVARIABLEBYNAME_<globalVariableName>_<sourceVariableName>] - stores a value in DialogueAction's memory, using a dialogue variable's name to pull the value from.
-- [VA_LOAD_GLOBALVARIABLE_<globalVariableName>] - sets <globalVariableName> as a dialogue variable using the value stored in DialogueAction's memory.
-- [RANDOMIZE_HER_BODY] - Randomizes her body
-- [RESET_RESIST] - Resets her resistance. May cause first_dt, first_throat and intro lines to trigger again. Change resistances with charcode loading.
-- [TONGUE_OUT] - Moves her tongue out (might break through clenching teeth)
-- [TONGUE_IN] - Moves her tongue back in (it might pop back out 2 seconds later though)
-- [MASTURBATE_STOP] - instantly stops her masturbating (will still slowly drop her pleasure)
- Added linetypes:
-- "choking" - plays when her mouth is full and she is passing out (starting to look like she is passing out, breath at 0 and oxygen dropping)
- Added the following operators:
Operator var1 var2 output
+ 10 20 30 - Adds both sides together.
- 10 20 -10 - Substracts the right side from the left side.
/ 10 20 0.5 - Divides the left side by the right side. If the right side is 0, ... then I don't know what happens. Check Adobe's manual for division by 0.
!= 10 20 1 - If both sides don't have the same value, returns 1. Returns 0 otherwise.
== 10 20 0 - If both sides have the same value, returns 1. Returns 0 otherwise.
>= 10 20 0 - If the left side is more than, or equal to the right side, returns 1. Otherwise returns 0.
<= 10 20 1 - If the right side is more than, or equal to the left side, returns 1. Otherwise returns 0.
> 10 20 0 - If the left side is more than the right side, returns 1. Otherwise returns 0.
< 10 20 1 - If the right side is more than the left side, returns 1. Otherwise returns 0.
= 10 20 20 - Whatever the result might have been, it's set to the right side.
&& 1 0 0 - Represents a boolean AND. Returns 1 if (var1 + var2) equals 2. Otherwise, returns 0.
|| 1 0 1 - Represents a boolean OR. Returns 1 if (var1 + var2) equals or is more than 1. Otherwise, returns 0.
% 10 4 2 - Returns the remainder of a division of var1 by var2. Represents a modulo.
* 10 20 200 - Returns var1 multiplied by var2. Note that you can't use this operator directly - you need to define a variable with * as it's value.
\ 10 3 3 - Returns the floored value of a division of var1 by var2. Represents integer division.
You can use ( ) to specify ordering (other ordering is ignored).
You can use variables names inside the insertion *var1 + var2* and they will automatically be replaced with the value that they have *var1 + var2* -> *10 + 20* -> 30
Keep in mind that for this to work properly, variable names CANNOT have spaces in them, and variables CANNOT be attached to parentheses or an operator.
Thus, don't use *var1+(var2/var3)*, instead use *var1 + ( var2 / var3 )*.
Additionally, due to the way replacing of insertion values work, variable names CANNOT contain operators.
- Removed the following triggers:
-- [CLEAR] - Load an empty dialogue with da.dialogue.load
- Removed the following variables:
-- penisSize - write-only, scale 0-100
-- penisLength - write-only, scale 0-100
-- penisWidth - write-only, scale 0-100
-- maxPenisLength - write-only, scale unknown (0-100?)
-- maxPenisWidth - write-only, scale unknown (0-100?)
-- minPenisLength - write-only, scale unknown (0-100?)
-- minPenisWidth - write-only, scale unknown (0-100?)
See included documentation for basic examples on usage.
For versionlogs pre v2, see changelog in download.
DialogueActions is a loader mod that exposes more game-actions to dialogue writers. This allows dialogue writers to write more engaging or interactive dialogues. Examples include having a dialogue play completely automatic, having her change clothes, having her masturbate and many more!
Full documentation is provided in the download.
Source can be found here:
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