The HuniePop Girls (1 Viewer)


Content Creator
Jul 24, 2014
I doubt that SyntaxTerror SyntaxTerror is going to help here cause he has a lot on his plate right now as he told me.
Actually yes, but having a lot of things to do does not necessarily mean that I won't do other things in the meantime... :tongue:
If I have so many things on my to-do list, it is partly because I am not motivated to do them.
If you provide a SVG file, I can have a look and try to do something.
But actually, I never released any dynamic hair mod, no more than Huitz did, I assume (he's more into costumes I think). I just did some dynamic hair ornaments. I believe that the only other person able to make dynamic hair mods at the moment is stuntcock stuntcock , but he do not really like to draw hairstyles, so he could make an hair mod out of a SVG file.

I was also looking at Jota's Static Hair Mod and thought that it could be animated quite easily. Nevertheless, the left braid needs to be drawn on another SVG layer and the result will be better if both braids are drawn more vertical.
It is the same for almost any dynamic hair: the strands need to be as vertical as possible to avoid clipping issues.
That may not be the case for some more complex Loader dynamic mods, but I really cannot tell anything about this (because, Loader, you know).


Content Creator
Jun 5, 2012
the result will be better if both braids are drawn more vertical.
SyntaxTerror probably knows this stuff already, but I'll elaborate on this point in case anyone isn't familiar with the implementation details.

For a vanilla dynamic hairstyle, the strands should be nearly vertical. There are a few non-vertical vanilla hairstyles (like this one) but they rely on offset vertices and they don't rotate cleanly. There's a vertical "skeleton" underneath that big arc, and the hair sprites have been glued onto the skeleton in an ad-hoc way. Any rotation at the hair "joints" would tend to tear gaps in the hair, so the modder compensated by making the hairstyle very stiff. The skeleton remains almost totally vertical even when the SDT character lunges rapidly from side to side, and so the hair barely responds to in-game activity.

The Loader allows for the "skeleton" of the hairstyle to have a non-vertical rest position. It can poke outwards from the head in a collection of short spikes, or fold back in to form complete loops, or bend into a curved ponytail. We don't need to twist or redraw the hair into a vertical shape; we can trace it and then animate it as-is. We're forced to include a moderate amount of stiffness (because gravity is still a thing -- if there was zero stiffness then all strands would slump downwards and point at the floor) but we can achieve some pleasantly "bouncy" effects nonetheless.

SyntaxTerror is correct about the "missing" artwork for the left-side braid of the Jota hairstyle, of course. Tracing doesn't magically add any information; we still need to know what the background elements of the hair look like, because motion of the hair will tend to expose those sprites to the viewer. We can "steal" artwork from the foreground layer in order to fill in the missing sections, but this tends to look sloppy. It's much better if we can get the original artist to return to the project, reopen their source files, and then draw in the missing/occulted details using additional layers.


Content Creator
May 10, 2017
Actually yes, but having a lot of things to do does not necessarily mean that I won't do other things in the meantime... :tongue:
Well that´s nice to hear. But i´m not that far that i can post something right now. I also needed to improvise a little bit on her back hair.

If you provide a SVG file, I can have a look and try to do something.
Well for now im not even nearly done with her pigtails, not to mention her shading. Here is what i have so far Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet. I did a little bit of Color Change and added a right pigtail (wich looks right now more like a curved ponytail)

For a vanilla dynamic hairstyle, the strands should be nearly vertical
Well the mods on this thread are especially design for the hunieboth mod, wich can only be used in the loader in the first place. So we dont really need to make it vanilla.
The Loader allows for the "skeleton" of the hairstyle to have a non-vertical rest position. It can poke outwards from the head in a collection of short spikes, or fold back in to form complete loops, or bend into a curved ponytail. We don't need to twist or redraw the hair into a vertical shape; we can trace it and then animate it as-is. We're forced to include a moderate amount of stiffness (because gravity is still a thing -- if there was zero stiffness then all strands would slump downwards and point at the floor) but we can achieve some pleasantly "bouncy" effects nonetheless.
I see if i can finish, what i have, fast. Im glad that the loader allows a better use of the hair-skeleton, cause i dont know how i could do the strands more vertical. Another problem i see here is that some strands from her pigtail are very thin and waving through the air in most of the images. So it would change the actual style of the hair and its a pain to trace them correctly to do them dynamic as well. Maybe its for the best either we improvise and make them different or we forget about them completely.

I was also looking at Jota's Static Hair Mod and thought that it could be animated quite easily. Nevertheless, the left braid needs to be drawn on another SVG layer and the result will be better if both braids are drawn more vertical.
SyntaxTerror is correct about the "missing" artwork for the left-side braid of the Jota hairstyle, of course. Tracing doesn't magically add any information; we still need to know what the background elements of the hair look like, because motion of the hair will tend to expose those sprites to the viewer
Right now i dont intend to make that Jota hair dynamic ( at least dor now ). Maybe i go back to it some time later ( next week or so, i don´t know ). But i´m glad it catched your interest
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Content Creator
May 10, 2017
But the thing is I cannot make Loader mods, because I cannot test them, because I am so lazy that I never tried to install the Loader on my PC!
Yeah that certainly makes the situation a little bit mre tricky :confused:
I should change my pseudo for VanillaTerror maybe... :rolleyes:
Well you don´t need to if you dont want to, but just consider the possibility maybe, cause there are some fantastic loader mods out there:wink:
Like i said i look what i can do by now with the hair and then i post the svg file right here. if you want to do it but also in vanilla i can always go back and do some changes. It just takes a bit of time ( and i don´t know if i´m competent enough :rolleyes: )
If stuntcock stuntcock wants to do it in loader im equally happy. Just tell me what you think


Content Creator
Jul 10, 2016
I´m glad you like it :grin:. I used the base color of her hair from Huniecam Studio. When you say you want it a bit darker, do you like it to be more like her art from the title screen , or like the ingame art of her, or maybe more like the lewd shots Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet ?

Yep, the second ! This is the model I've posted in the OP of this thread so this is the reference I try to follow for each girl. :smile:

Yeah that would be nice, but unfortunately i don´t n´know how to animate. I doubt that SyntaxTerror SyntaxTerror is going to help here cause he has a lot on his plate right now. Huitznahua Huitznahua on the other and could probably help me if he wants to. I can finish the hair as far as i can and can provide the .svg file for you. Just let me know :wink:

I'm almost sure that if you provide all the elements to Huitznahua Huitznahua , he would be able to add the dynamic part and/or teach you how to do it.

Too bad there isn´t really a side view shot of Beli in her arabic hairstyle, cause i would like to do her as well ( inuendo intended ) :grin:

I'd like that too ! My ultimate goal would be to have all the 6 variations of each girl. Every little step is still a step :smile:


Content Creator
May 10, 2017
Yep, the second ! This is the model I've posted in the OP of this thread so this is the reference I try to follow for each girl.
Change is right ahead ;) What do you think of the shape from the pigtails so far. Does it suit you at least ? If not pls describe what i can change as i did some improsvising.
I'm almost sure that if you provide all the elements to Huitznahua Huitznahua , he would be able to add the dynamic part and/or teach you how to do it.
Awsome. Well i don´t give up the hope and maybe i can learn it some day :wink: Right now i got a lot of response from Syntax and Stuntcock.

I'd like that too ! My ultimate goal would be to have all the 6 variations of each girl. Every little step is still a step :smile:
Oh yeah, thats a fantastic idea. To bad the fanarts don´t give that much to show. Maybe we get finally good concept artwork shots for the new upcoming Huniepop game next year :grin: So we just have to dig more through the internet :rolleyes:


Content Creator
Jul 10, 2016
Working on the shading now. Here is what i got to accomplish by now Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet. But it´s a bit weird that the gradient seem to got lost in the top part even though it is clearly seen in the svg file Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet.

OMG ! I did not see all those posts yesterday ! Sorry guys, I tend to open the thread on morning out of curiosity when I see there have been some answers but then I don't have time to answer and just leave the tab opened until later and I have to admit that I often forget to reload the page before answering :grin:

Anyway I'm very happy to see you all here giving help and advices.

As for me, I can just add that IMHO, the pigtails should not be attached such far at the back of her head (not a ponytail). If you look at the model, you'll see that they begin around her ears so yep, the design is very good, but the placement is not :wink:


Content Creator
May 10, 2017
OMG ! I did not see all those posts yesterday ! Sorry guys, I tend to open the thread on morning out of curiosity when I see there have been some answers but then I don't have time to answer and just leave the tab opened until later and I have to admit that I often forget to reload the page before answering :grin:
To be honest. I tend to just let the tab open, even tough i don´t have quite time, aswell. :rolleyes: So no biggy

As for me, I can just add that IMHO, the pigtails should not be attached such far at the back of her head (not a ponytail). If you look at the model, you'll see that they begin around her ears so yep, the design is very good, but the placement is not :wink:
Well that is quite tricky now. I mean your right about the fact that the pigtails should not be that far behind the back in this one, but its supposed to look like it goes more sideways ( not very noticeable, i give you that). I can maybe either move the bandage within the pigtail more up to her hair and round up the hair knot so that it looks more "puffy" ( the artstyle would however change ), or i can adjust the backpart of her hair more towards the ear ( so that the artsyle wouldn´t be affected ), unfortunately the hair would look more "thin" after that.
I look what i can do. To bad i need to go to the adjustement´s now as i was quite progressed with the project. Well back to the basics :eek::grin:


Content Creator
May 10, 2017
Sorry i didnt really got the time to look more into it. Maybe i can this weekend or so, lets see how i get time.:rolleyes:
So here just for showing purposes Would that position be more like it? I can always drag and drop all the colored layers in the new position, i just need to find out how i can hid the outlines under the Pigtail strand without moving it to the upper cluster.
If you want it differently pls let me know and point it out exactly where do you want it


Content Creator
May 10, 2017
I found an easy Solution for the overlaying outline problem. I just moved the base color layer the the outline layer and created for the pigtail strand a new outline layer above the first so the "base color" covers the outlines from the under hair up. Its probably not the best solution but very easy to accomplish and i dont mess the drawing up :wink: Here´s is whats done so far. Im not entirely sure if i move the left pigtail a little bit to the left maybe ? i dont know i looks good but somethings bother me and i can´t place my finger on it what it is. Tell me what you guys/girls think


Content Creator
Jul 10, 2016
I found an easy Solution for the overlaying outline problem. I just moved the base color layer the the outline layer and created for the pigtail strand a new outline layer above the first so the "base color" covers the outlines from the under hair up. Its probably not the best solution but very easy to accomplish and i dont mess the drawing up :wink: Here´s is whats done so far. Im not entirely sure if i move the left pigtail a little bit to the left maybe ? i dont know i looks good but somethings bother me and i can´t place my finger on it what it is. Tell me what you guys/girls think

Hi ! Sorry for being late but I've had a tough week outside home !
I think I can point out what's your problem. I think that the ear should be under the hair, and this is what makes it all look like "something's wrong".


I think that you should place the ribbon and the beginning of the pigtail a little bit more on the right. Almost touching her ear (but it won't be the case because the ear will be under her hair):


Also, the hair falling on her eyes should probably be a bit shorter.
And finally, the pigtails should fall direclty to the ground, the hair are not tied near enough of her head to have this "going up" effect. Sorry for not being able to explain myself clearly in english :confused: (so just a little anti-clockwise rotation of the pigtail which is probably what you would need to do to implement dynamic library anyway if I'm not mistaken).

Thanks for your great work, I hope that I've been useful !


Content Creator
May 10, 2017
I think I can point out what's your problem. I think that the ear should be under the hair, and this is what makes it all look like "something's wrong".
Actually no thats not what bothered me at all cause i was quite aware that the ear would be shown through as i didnt make a copy of the hair section in the upper cluster so the ear would be covered.
What make the impression that something is wrong, on me is the inner lines that resembled the tension of the hair that is tied together. I made some changes and it now loos like so


Content Creator
May 10, 2017
Also, the hair falling on her eyes should probably be a bit shorter.
I also have to disagree on this cause her pony actually goes on her nose. In this ref shot you can only see the bottom section of her nose wich should be lower in real face proportions and goes right till the eye, so it fine as it is

I think that you should place the ribbon and the beginning of the pigtail a little bit more on the right. Almost touching her ear (but it won't be the case because the ear will be under her hair):
Mmmh i look that i move it so it look more suitable.

And finally, the pigtails should fall direclty to the ground, the hair are not tied near enough of her head to have this "going up" effect. Sorry for not being able to explain myself clearly in english :confused: (so just a little anti-clockwise rotation of the pigtail which is probably what you would need to do to implement dynamic library anyway if I'm not mistaken).
That however i can do. i dont think that it would be done just by rotating it but i can compress the upper section of her pigtail s it looks not that tensed as it is now.
Btw your english is quite ok and i am able to decipher some syntax in your text. So don´t be ashamed my english isn´t that great either :wink:


Content Creator
May 10, 2017
So, how the hair is doing ? :smile:
Man, this looks fantastic. The open buttoms are a quite nice touch and the splitted sleeves are great as well. I would maybe add a little bit of shadowing on the bandages from her collar, but that´s not enterily necessary, cause it looks awsome as it is :grin:

Btw are you maybe interested in having a look into my svg file of the hair? It would be cool to have someone help me animate it


Content Creator
Feb 6, 2014
Man, this looks fantastic. The open buttoms are a quite nice touch and the splitted sleeves are great as well. I would maybe add a little bit of shadowing on the bandages from her collar, but that´s not enterily necessary, cause it looks awsome as it is :grin:

Btw are you maybe interested in having a look into my svg file of the hair? It would be cool to have someone help me animate it

And I'm afraid I can't help you with the hair, I have no experience with the hair mods. But you seems to be stuck for the moments so send me your file and I will see what I can do.


Content Creator
May 10, 2017
It´s ok if you can´t do it, cause i know much less on this peculiar case than you do. So you can always say no if you have no time or don´t want to.
I really appreciate your attempt to help and if there is something that i can help you with or change to the mod pls let me know. I don´t throw someone in at the deep end :grin:

Attached the file in the post


Tiffany Attempt 5.svg
3.4 MB · Views: 261

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