The HuniePop Girls (1 Viewer)


Content Creator
Jul 10, 2016
It´s ok if you can´t do it, cause i know much less on this peculiar case than you do. So you can always say no if you have no time or don´t want to.
I really appreciate your attempt to help and if there is something that i can help you with or change to the mod pls let me know. I don´t throw someone in at the deep end :grin:

Heres the link - tiffany-attempt-5.svg

Hey guys ! Very happy to see this going on so well. I think that SyntaxTerror SyntaxTerror or stuntcock stuntcock should be the ones who know the best how to animate hairs. Maybe they would lend us a helping hand ?


Content Creator
Jun 5, 2012
[This file expires in 4 weeks]

If you're deliberately sharing your files in a restrictive way for privacy/secrecy reasons then that's fine. But if you intend this as an open-ended offer (i.e. "anyone is welcome to take this file and create an animated SWF hairstyle") then I would encourage you to use persistent storage. You're welcome to attach the file to a forum post if you want to. Someone might show up months later and offer to work on an old source file, so we ought to keep those files available.

  • the twintails can be animated fairly easily using Loader techniques. A vanilla-compatible version would be slightly more difficult to create, and would exhibit less movement (it needs to be made more stiff, so as to prevent it from pulling apart at the seams)
    • so the question here is: fidelity vs compatibility. You can't have both. Please choose one.
  • the ribbon can be animated using Loader techniques, but I'm not sure what to do with it.
    • if you've tested the Bikini mods created by Huitznahua Huitznahua then you'll notice that the strings at the neck and hip are animated. If you look at the Kuroka hairstyle then you'll see that even a large looping shape can be animated; it can squash and deform in response to motion.
    • the trouble here is that the ribbon appears very thin (as if it should move and flutter around easily) but its trailing ends are almost horizontal. If I animate it naively (using "fabric" physics) then it will droop down towards the ground. If I animate it authentically (to maintain the shape depicted in the SVG) then it will be very rigid (as if it was made of plastic rather than fabric).
    • we could half-ass the animation, or we could leave the ribbon static, or we could discuss it further and decide on a way to animate it which preserves its shape.
  • there are several minor hair strands (the bangs, around the ear, nape of the neck, etc) which can be animated. Each additional strand takes time to animate, and slightly reduces the game's FPS when the mod is loaded. My guess would be approximately 12 strands in total.
  • the right-hand (foreground) twintail has two lines which exhibit reversed concavity. If you compare these lines with the adjacent outline, you'll see that they're curving in the opposite direction.
    • these lines vaguely suggest that the hair has been twisted into a helix, but that doesn't seem to be true (and the left-hand twintail has no such lines).
    • these lines make the hair more difficult to animate. When there's an internal line which conforms to the outline, we can bend the outline of the hair and the internal line will appear to bend with it. If the internal line contrasts with the hair's outline, the internal link will acquire a visible "kink". In fact both lines are becoming equally kinked, but the viewer's eye tends to forgive the first one while noticing the second.
    • if you're willing to flip the concavity of these lines then the hair would be easier to animate. Or we could review the source images and discuss the question in more detail. We might be able to work out an arrangement (such as a series of shorter lines) which maintains the same shape but allows for animation joints.
  • the small "split end" on the right-hand twintail is positioned a bit oddly. It seems to emerge from nowhere. I'd prefer to reshape it slightly so that it "points towards" the main mass of the ponytail.
    • this change would allow me to animate it more smoothly, since it can be drawn as a long strand which diverges from the main mass of hair and which merely "peeks out" at the bottom -- instead of being a tiny dark bit which is glued onto the end of the normal twintail. As the hair swishes around, viewers will be able to glimpse more of the dark substrand (because more of it exists).
    • note: this is the kind of change which I can (and often do) make by myself in Flash during animation work. But since we're possibly going to revise the SVG, I thought that I might as well ask your permission instead of just changing things :)
  • animation work involves dividing the hairstyle into pieces, redrawing sections of it (i.e. the bits which are currently hidden by overlying hair strands) and finally chopping each individual strand into a series of teardrop-shapes sprites. It's difficult to interrupt this process in order to splice in new artwork. So if you'd like to make any changes to color, shading, etc then please feel free to do so. Just let me know when you've finalized all the details and it's safe to begin the Flash work.


Content Creator
May 10, 2017
Hello stuntcock stuntcock
If you're deliberately sharing your files in a restrictive way for privacy/secrecy reasons then that's fine. But if you intend this as an open-ended offer (i.e. "anyone is welcome to take this file and create an animated SWF hairstyle") then I would encourage you to use persistent storage. You're welcome to attach the file to a forum post if you want to. Someone might show up months later and offer to work on an old source file, so we ought to keep those files available.
To be honest, i tried to upladed it directly using the upload a file button, but i got the message that the file has an unknown file format, so i thought that uploading it on an open source should be the easiest solution by now. I will uploaded the new file with the suggested updates in a few days maybe

so the question here is: fidelity vs compatibility. You can't have both. Please choose one.
As i stated some posts before, im ok with making it a loader mod and the idea of the hair skeleton to animate it smother. If it is easier for you it is also fine by me :wink:

the ribbon can be animated using Loader techniques, but I'm not sure what to do with it.
  • the trouble here is that the ribbon appears very thin (as if it should move and flutter around easily) but its trailing ends are almost horizontal. If I animate it naively (using "fabric" physics) then it will droop down towards the ground. If I animate it authentically (to maintain the shape depicted in the SVG) then it will be very rigid (as if it was made of plastic rather than fabric).
  • we could half-ass the animation, or we could leave the ribbon static, or we could discuss it further and decide on a way to animate it which preserves its shape.
Honestly, i didnt´t thought it trough how to make the ribbon. Maybe we can leave it static like it is now and maybe discuss a little more what you and DrZombi DrZombi prefer on this paticular case.

the small "split end" on the right-hand twintail is positioned a bit oddly. It seems to emerge from nowhere. I'd prefer to reshape it slightly so that it "points towards" the main mass of the ponytail.
note: this is the kind of change which I can (and often do) make by myself in Flash during animation work. But since we're possibly going to revise the SVG, I thought that I might as well ask your permission instead of just changing things :)
Sure we can reshape it to make it more suitable. I see no really issue in doing so. But thank you for asking anyway :wink:

the right-hand (foreground) twintail has two lines which exhibit reversed concavity. If you compare these lines with the adjacent outline, you'll see that they're curving in the opposite direction.
  • these lines vaguely suggest that the hair has been twisted into a helix, but that doesn't seem to be true (and the left-hand twintail has no such lines).
  • these lines make the hair more difficult to animate. When there's an internal line which conforms to the outline, we can bend the outline of the hair and the internal line will appear to bend with it. If the internal line contrasts with the hair's outline, the internal link will acquire a visible "kink". In fact both lines are becoming equally kinked, but the viewer's eye tends to forgive the first one while noticing the second.
  • if you're willing to flip the concavity of these lines then the hair would be easier to animate. Or we could review the source images and discuss the question in more detail. We might be able to work out an arrangement (such as a series of shorter lines) which maintains the same shape but allows for animation joints.
Should i reshape all the lines from a helix to a concave following lie to the bottom or only the ones that go invards, which indicate the illusion of a helix?


Content Creator
Jun 5, 2012
To be honest, i tried to upladed it directly using the upload a file button, but i got the message that the file has an unknown file format

Yeah, I forgot about that :( The forum limits the filetypes for attachments, in order to make it slightly more difficult for people to upload naked viruses or other forms of malware. I'll ask d£t d£t to add SVG to the list of allowed file extensions.

In the meantime, you could follow SyntaxTerror SyntaxTerror 's example by uploading your SVG file inside a ZIP archive (the *.zip extension is allowed).

Honestly, i didnt´t thought it trough how to make the ribbon. Maybe we can leave it static like it is now and maybe discuss a little more what you and DrZombi DrZombi prefer on this paticular case.
Okay. Leaving something static is no problem; we can always revisit it later and add animation to it.

Should i reshape all the lines from a helix to a concave following lie to the bottom or only the ones that go invards, which indicate the illusion of a helix?
It's easier for me if the internal lines conform to the outline. They don't need to bend in one specific way or the other; they can contain S-curves so long as those curves are congruent with the outline. The left-hand twintail is a good example -- I don't anticipate any problems while animating that one.

I'm slightly annoyed because some of the artwork+animation details in the left-hand twintail are more interesting than those on the right, but they'll almost never be seen by users. Oh well :)

The helix thing wasn't a serious suggestion; it was just a way of explaining why the lines seemed backwards to me.


Content Creator
May 10, 2017

Yeah, I forgot about that :( The forum limits the filetypes for attachments, in order to make it slightly more difficult for people to upload naked viruses or other forms of malware. I'll ask d£t d£t to add SVG to the list of allowed file extensions.

In the meantime, you could follow SyntaxTerror SyntaxTerror 's example by uploading your SVG file inside a ZIP archive (the *.zip extension is allowed).
It´s ok until recently i didn´t know that either. Depending on how long i will take for the changes, the solution with putting it into an archive would eb the easist for now.

It's easier for me if the internal lines conform to the outline. They don't need to bend in one specific way or the other; they can contain S-curves so long as those curves are congruent with the outline.
I look what i can do to make it look more fitting.

The left-hand twintail is a good example -- I don't anticipate any problems while animating that one.

I'm slightly annoyed because some of the artwork+animation details in the left-hand twintail are more interesting than those on the right, but they'll almost never be seen by users. Oh well :)
Why thank you :smile: I actually improvised on both but i didn´t got quite the inspiration on the twintail on the front ( from the perspective viewpoint ) maybe i rework it completely if i get an idea how :rolleyes::wink:


Content Creator
Jul 10, 2016
Okay. Leaving something static is no problem; we can always revisit it later and add animation to it.

Of course, getting the most of the loader and animate every bit of bang and ribbon could seem cool at first sight, and it really would be !
But we have to keep in mind the performance side of things and with SDT, I tend to think that even the most beautiful of mods are useless if you drop down to 5 fps. So even if I don't know yet which mods I could be tempted to add to the scenes with Tiffany, if have to make a choice right now, I'd go for the twintails animation only just to be sure.

Of course, having both would be great but I don't want to ask you some extra work if it is never used (by me, the requestor). Of course, it could be perfect for other people for other reasons. As for me, I'll be satisfied enough with a basic animation :smile:


Content Creator
Feb 6, 2014
It´s ok if you can´t do it, cause i know much less on this peculiar case than you do. So you can always say no if you have no time or don´t want to.
I really appreciate your attempt to help and if there is something that i can help you with or change to the mod pls let me know. I don´t throw someone in at the deep end :grin:
So I tried to make the dynamic hair and ... erf :frown:
First, I have just a rough idea of how to use the sby template for making dynamic hair. But the main problem is your file. Your layers organisation probably make sense and isn't problematic for a static hair but it's a total mess for making dynamic hair. With Animate, I need to use each part (under, over, ...) in separate symbol to give them the adequate property, but in your file all the countour are on the same layer, all the shading on another layer etc...
Plus, the head ist slighty different in the Animate template. The svg can't be properly imported with all the different layers : the file load juste one symbol with one layer and a fucking shitload of group object.

So I give up :oops:


Content Creator
Jun 5, 2012
Your layers organisation probably make sense and isn't problematic for a static hair but it's a total mess for making dynamic hair.
This difficulty is inevitable. Unless someone has previously created their own dynamic hair mods, their vector files won't be organized in an ideal way because they simply cannot know our preferred format.

Re-organization and re-tracing is typical. We always need to draw in new hemispheric fills and outlines on each hair segment, so a bit of extra prep work isn't a deal-breaker for me. I'm always more concered about the artists touches (especially shading) because I can't fix or improvise those details at a later stage.

I'm still planning to tackle this project, so I'll make a note to share a complete FLA file. You can "rewind" to the stage where are all of the vectors have been reallocated (into separate hair-strand symbols), in case you'd like to repeat the dynamic-animation work as a learning exercise. Or you can just glance through it and proceed with whichever project you're currently working on :)

Plus, the head ist slighty different in the Animate template.
There's a text file on my desktop which contains a snippet from generateCustomHair():

        var _loc2_:Number = 1 / 0.85;
         this.hairOverLayer.x = -360;
         this.hairOverLayer.y = -560;
         this.hairOverLayer.rotation = 15;
Those are the corrections that SDT applies when importing a PNG file, so you must apply the same adjustments in Flash after you've imported a template-based file onto your canvas. You'll probably nudge it around, and then re-size or re-fit specific strands after you've separated them onto their own layer (especially strands around the ears, because dynamic animation often causes an ear-hugging strand to become an ear-clipping strand). But if you apply those basic parameters (such as scaling = 117.6%) then things should begin to line up.


Content Creator
Jul 24, 2014
The svg can't be properly imported with all the different layers : the file load juste one symbol with one layer and a fucking shitload of group object.
This is often a problem with complex SVGs. A solution is to make separate SVGs (line, fill, shade, etc.), import them all and reassemble them, and eventually Break Apart and Ungroup everything and try to sort out this mess...
It is scarcely more difficult to redo everything from scratch sometimes.

Anyway, I think that Adobe hates SVG, and don't really cares about the compatibility between their formats and free/open source formats that won't make money for them.

When I got my hand on Animate CC, I first thought converting my SVG static hair mods to SWF static hair mods, but I've seen that even the simplest ones require hours of work, so I quickly gave up. Importing SVGs in Animate works fine for simple shapes, with simple lines and no gradients, on one layer.
But Animate cannot even keep the same numbers of nodes on mundane curves: on a circle, when SVG has 4 nodes, Animate needs 8...


Content Creator
Feb 6, 2014
Re-organization and re-tracing is typical. We always need to draw in new hemispheric fills and outlines on each hair segment, so a bit of extra prep work isn't a deal-breaker for me. I'm always more concered about the artists touches (especially shading) because I can't fix or improvise those details at a later stage.
Yeah ok for the hemispheric thing but I'm not even able to start this for now. The bunch of group object which need to be re organized is pretty intimidating :confused:

I'm still planning to tackle this project, so I'll make a note to share a complete FLA file. You can "rewind" to the stage where are all of the vectors have been reallocated (into separate hair-strand symbols), in case you'd like to repeat the dynamic-animation work as a learning exercise. Or you can just glance through it and proceed with whichever project you're currently working on :)
I already took a look at one of your .fla :wink: But once again, I need to pass the re organizing work before.

There's a text file on my desktop which contains a snippet from generateCustomHair():

var _loc2_:Number = 1 / 0.85;
this.hairOverLayer.x = -360;
this.hairOverLayer.y = -560;
this.hairOverLayer.rotation = 15;
Those are the corrections that SDT applies when importing a PNG file, so you must apply the same adjustments in Flash after you've imported a template-based file onto your canvas. You'll probably nudge it around, and then re-size or re-fit specific strands after you've separated them onto their own layer (especially strands around the ears, because dynamic animation often causes an ear-hugging strand to become an ear-clipping strand). But if you apply those basic parameters (such as scaling = 117.6%) then things should begin to line up.
Not sure to understand. Beside the file I'm importing is a .svg (though there is a .png in this svg).

This is often a problem with complex SVGs. A solution is to make separate SVGs (line, fill, shade, etc.), import them all and reassemble them, and eventually Break Apart and Ungroup everything and try to sort out this mess...
It is scarcely more difficult to redo everything from scratch sometimes.
This is actually a good idea, I'm going to try.


Content Creator
May 10, 2017
stuntcock stuntcock , Huitznahua Huitznahua
So i recently made some changes considering your advices in terms of her hair.
I also edited the uploaded file and attached it directly to the post earlier.

Here are the changes that been made:
  • Made the inside lines of her twintail more following to the actual shape. The line in the bottom was formed more like a "S" to fit the curve of the twintail
  • Reshaped the "gap line" to make it look more like a curve than a straight line
  • Reformed the tip in the back sectio. It´s now more inclined and don´t go directly straight down
I hope that helps you out a bit more. If you have some more issues or demands pls let me know :wink:

A solution is to make separate SVGs (line, fill, shade, etc.), import them all and reassemble them, and eventually Break Apart and Ungroup everything and try to sort out this mess...
Shouldn´t that be a good advice for the artists as well? I mean, If it is easier for the animators to work with, maybe it should be mentioned in the requesting guide or something?



Tiffany Attempt 6.svg
3.4 MB · Views: 267


Content Creator
Jun 5, 2012
I hope that helps you out a bit more. If you have some more issues or demands pls let me know :wink:
Seems fine to me at first glance. I'll get started.

Shouldn´t that be a good advice for the artists as well? I mean, If it is easier for the animators to work with, maybe it should be mentioned in the requesting guide or something?
The rules post is already much longer than it ought to be. It wouldn't really belong in the reference images guides. We could certainly write a new tutorial post about it.

The tricky part is that the guide ought to be visual. Sentences describing the preferred arrangement of graphics are much less valuable than images showing the preferred arragement. The centerpiece ought to be a "before and after" comparison. But normally the "before" and "after" files are extremely different; the "after" file is usually a FLA project (which most artists won't even be able to open) or a SWF (which must be decompiled and carefully analyzed).

Doing this properly would require a change to my usual work process. Instead of immediately importing the work into Flash, I would keep the project in Inkscape as long as possible, and do all of the reorganization work there. I'll give it a try.


Content Creator
Jul 24, 2014
Shouldn´t that be a good advice for the artists as well? I mean, If it is easier for the animators to work with, maybe it should be mentioned in the requesting guide or something?
The main problem is that creating a mod on Inkscape and Animate CC (Flash Pro) is somewhat different, notably when it comes to layers.
One important point is that Inskape doesn't allow more than two segments linked to a node, while it is not the case on Animate.

I think that it would be easier to only have the lines of the hair mod, and the shade and light reflection colours (or even just their outlines), because the base colour fill will often been redrawn out of the outside line. Just adding little coloured boxes named "base", "shade", "light reflection", and eventually "glasses frame/lens/hair accessory/etc." would simplify the work in my opinion, because instead of having a shape for the line and another for the fill, with different outlines, having only one for the line is easier, as it can be copied, adjusted and coloured in two seconds.
Making one layer for one shape may make things easier in fact.

Also, most of the time, gradients are badly converted, and it is easier to redo them from scratch. An important point is that dynamic parts will look bad if there is a gradient in them, because the edges of the moving parts can be noticed because of the colour difference when they move.


Content Creator
Jul 10, 2016
I uploaded the static hair mod of what i had done before :wink:
Hope you like the static hair mod at least cause i still cant offer you a dynamic mod for this hair
Tiffany Maye Static Hair Mod

Oh !! Great ! I did not dare to bother you with this but I'm very happy to see it released at last ! Maybe we can now finalize one more girl !
Many thanks for your efforts, those look great even without the dynamic part :smile:

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